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AllMusic Loves 2002

5714 days ago
Allmusic Blog2002 didn't suffer from quite the case of multiple personalities that 2001 did, but the changing of the musical guard was almost as apparent. While vets like Beck, Jurassic 5, Sonic Youth, Spoon, the Flaming Lips, and Wilco turned in some of the best... more info

Chali 2na (J5): Solo Album

5791 days ago
JamBaseCHALI 2NA ANNOUNCES THE RELEASE OF HIS DEBUT SOLO ALBUM FISH OUTTA WATER ON JUNE 23 Chali 2na set to join the Rock The Bells Tour this Summer Chali 2na Renaissance man Chali 2na, founding member the seminal hip-hop group Jurassic 5, is exc... more info

Chali 2na Announces Debut Solo Album

5798 days ago
AllHipHopJurassic 5 founding member Chali 2na has announced the release of Fish Outta Water, his first solo outing since founding the revered Hip-Hop group in 1993.   The new release is an introspective look into Chali 2na’s life and contains various... more info

Abstract Rude: New Album
Free Track & Tour

5819 days ago
JamBaseABSTRACT RUDE TEAMS UP WITH RHYMESAYERS ENTERTAINMENT TO RELEASE SOLO DEBUT REJUVENATION IN STORES MAY 5 / TRACK LEAKED Abstract Rude Los Angeles' Abstract Rude is set to release his Rhymesayers solo debut Rejuvenation on May 5, 2009. Some may ... more info

Adam Deitch: New Band/Tour

5875 days ago
JamBaseAdam Deitch debuts Break Science Adam Deitch This past weekend Adam Deitch debuted his latest project, Break Science, doing a few dates with Sound Tribe Sector 9 and Pretty Lights. It all jumped off in Boston (Paradise Rock Club), then on to Phill... more info

Fight With Tools

5901 days ago
JamBaseBy: Greg Gargiulo Unite now or unite never. Among the multitude of inciting messages transmitted throughout Flobots' Fight With Tools (Universal Republic), this singular call to action and unification rings most clearly above the rest. On their ... more info

Bonnaroo 365: Raconteurs

5902 days ago
JamBaseBONNAROO TO INTRODUCE BONNAROO 365 ON JANUARY 11, 2009 STREAM FULL SETS ON BONNAROO.COM / PROGRAM TO DEBUT WITH FULL RACONTEURS PERFORMANCE The Raconteurs :: Bonnaroo 08 by Snyder Bonnaroo has announced BONNAROO 365, a program by which fans can... more info

Jurassic 5: J5 (Review)

5933 days ago
Pop MattersIf you somehow missed J5, maybe it's for the better now that you can experience this outstanding debut with a bunch of extra goodies. more info

Jurassic 5 Reissue, Expand Debut LP

5960 days ago
PitchforkSome day years from now at some future-store, two friends will see Jurassic 5's debut LP, J5. They'll listen to it, and one of them will say, "Now this is golden age hip-hop," before the other chimes in, "Um... this came out in 1997, in EP... more info

Jurassic 5 Reissue, Expand Debut LP

5960 days ago
PitchforkSome day years from now at some future-store, two friends will see Jurassic 5's debut LP, J5. They'll listen to it, and one of them will say, "Now this is golden age hip-hop," before the other chimes in, "Um... this came out in 1997, in EP form, dum... more info

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