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Plastic Beach by Gorillaz | CD review

5486 days ago
Guardian MusicThe cartoon heroes' third and most impressive set is home to a large and motley crewCreative lot, humans. We melt polar icecaps and replace them with longer-lasting, non-biodegradable plastic. Gorillaz's third and (allegedly) final album is named for... more info

Sleeve Notes: Gorillaz in the system

5487 days ago
Guardian MusicAhoy there! I've had a lovely week as emperor of If you ignore the bangs and whimpers coming from the team tied up in the stationery cupboard, it's pretty peaceful round here. Makes a nice change from the relentless squawkings o... more info

Sleeve Notes: Gorillaz in the system

5487 days ago
Guardian MusicAhoy there! I've had a lovely week as emperor of If you ignore the bangs and whimpers coming from the team tied up in the stationery cupboard, it's pretty peaceful round here. Makes a nice change from the relentless squawkings o... more info

Kano and Bashy: How to handle Gorillaz

5488 days ago
Guardian MusicThe grime stars go back to back on the Plastic Beach track White Flag. So what was it like working with a load of cartoons?Kano: 'I was a bit worried someone was going to turn me into a cartoon'You may think it's weird working with a cartoon band but... more info

Gorillaz: Plastic Beach

5490 days ago
Here Comes The Flood The Gorillaz were the first virtual band. There had been fake bands before, but the musicians hiding between the cartoon characters took it one step further. Basically the brain child of Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett the "band" released the succes... more info

Gorillaz - Plastic Beach: Exclusive album preview

5491 days ago
Guardian MusicYour chance to hear Gorillaz's hotly anticipated third album, Plastic Beach, a week before it's releasedAs part of their takeover of, Gorillaz are letting you hear Plastic Beach in full. Featuring collaborations with Lou Reed, Mo... more info

Gorillaz to release new album in March

5530 days ago
Guardian MusicPlastic Beach, the third LP by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett's cartoon band, will feature Mos Def, Snoop Dogg, Mark E Smith, Lou Reed and Gruff RhysLike a cartoon sunrise over a cartoon landscape, with cartoon revellers firing celebratory cartoon fi... more info

Gorillaz in our midst!

5530 days ago
Plastic Beach, the third LP by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett's cartoon band, will feature Mos Def, Snoop Dogg, Mark E Smith, Lou Reed and Gruff RhysLike a cartoon sunrise over a cartoon landscape, with cartoon revellers firing celebratory cartoon fi... more info

Kano: I'm helping the future of our youth

5536 days ago
Guardian MusicThe Sunday Times might call me a 'foul-mouthed' rapper, but at least I'm using my voice to do something positive for my communityRecently, I wrote a song called More Than One Way to promote the government's diploma scheme.I wanted to use my voice to ... more info

Video: Kano - It's A Rap (Diploma TV Advert)

5538 days ago
AngryApe more info

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