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Britney Spears Is Most Searched For Subject By British Web Users, Yahoo! Claims

5939 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comBritney Spears is the UK's most searched-for subject on the internet, Yahoo! claims.Interest in the troubled pop star propelled her to first place in the website's list of the top 10 searches for 2008.Her profile seems only to have grown even as she ... more info

Kate Moss - Moss Explains Scratched Face

5939 days ago
ContactMusicSupermodel KATE MOSS has suffered a scratched cheek after a bust-up over Christmas decorations with on/off boyfriend JAMIE HINCE. The catwalk star worried fans earlier ... more info

If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them!

5940 days ago
Perez HiltonKate Moss and her rock and roll boyfriend, Jamie Hince, broke up a few months ago, supposedly because of her heavy pAArtying wAAys. They reportedly got back together when Cokate promised to clean her shiz up. Well, it looks like Jamie has done some c... more info

Supermodel Size That

5940 days ago
TMZFiled under: Wacky & Weird Kate Moss went through the motions of purchasing food with intent to eat at a London McDonalds.No confirmation as to how long that meal stayed happy. See Also The Real Kate Moss Sniffed Out Kate Moss & Pal -- Hig... more info

Kate Moss - Moss Splashes Out On Paparazzi

5943 days ago
ContactMusicSupermodel KATE MOSS has played a slippery game with the hordes of snappers who follow her every move - she soaked them with freezing water after a night out in London. ... more info

Naomi Isn't Good Enough for Brands that Matter

5943 days ago
Perez HiltonSomeone isn't cool enough for H&M, Topshop or Target! On Tuesday, Naomi 'Anger Issues' Campbell was in Sao Paulo, Brazil to launch her collaboration with the new Brazilian clothing label 284. The fashion stuff she did with the brand is supposedly ba... more info

Jamie Is Left Holding the Bags While Kate Holds the Hose

5943 days ago
PopSugarKate Moss and Jamie Hince kept their good times rolling with yet another night out in London yesterday. They joined friends at the Dorchester Hotel, heading back to Kate's house around 2 a.m. before deciding to have some fun and spray the waiting pho... more info

Jamie Is Left Holding the Bags While Kate Holds the Hose

5943 days ago
PopSugarKate Moss and Jamie Hince kept their good times rolling with yet another night out in London yesterday. They joined friends at the Dorchester Hotel, heading back to Kate's house around 2 a.m. before deciding to have some fun and spray the waitin... more info

What a Lame Excuse

5943 days ago
Perez HiltonOn Monday, Kate Moss and her boyfriend, rocker Jamie Hince, hit the Stella McCartney London store holiday lighting ceremony sporting some injuries to their faces. She had scratches on the left cheek and he a black eye. They explained to friends at th... more info

Kate Moss and Jamie Hince Get in the Holiday (Party) Spirit

5943 days ago
PopSugarAnother happy afternoon for Kate and Jamie on Tuesday as the couple was spotted in great spirits on the way out of the Ivy in London. The supermodel looked beautiful so it's no wonder her boyfriend seems so smitten. Kate may have started Monday night... more info

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