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MMM #129

6018 days ago
The Music SlutThe Forms - Bones*Hacienda - She's Got A Hold On Me*Lambchop - National Talk Like A Pirate DayThe Golden Hands Before God - Blood Of November more info

Lambchop Celebrates International Talk Like a Pirate Day With Booty

6021 days ago
Spinner.comFiled under: News, Holy Ahoy, all ye bilge rats, swine and wenches! We've got something that will shiver ye timbers: It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day, aye, it is, and who shall sound the "Land ho!" but our captain, Kurt W... more info

New Lambchop - "National Talk Like A Pirate Day"

6021 days ago
Stereogum Tomorrow's International Talk Like A Pirate day, everybody. Get psyched I guess? Yeah me neither. But any excuse to pause and appreciate new Lambchop is a good one, and Wagner's crew have penned an ode perfect for sharing on the eve of Peter Sarsgaa... more info

Photos: End of the Road Festival [Saturday]

6024 days ago
PitchforkPhotos by Elena Morelli; Above: LowWhere the road ends, a whole bunch of dudes with acoustic guitars begin. At least, that seems to be the loose idea behind the End of the Road Festival, which spread a little pop, a little psych, and a whole lotta fo... more info

Calexico Kick Off Tour With Added Dates, Bowerbirds

6029 days ago
PitchforkCalexico's follow-up to their 2006 album Garden Ruin is called Carried to Dust, and it's out this week via Quarterstick. The Tucson band's tour in support of the album begins tonight (September 10), and considering Calexico's recent titular themes, w... more info

Lambchop Ready LP, Tour, Kurt Wagner Plays Solo

6035 days ago
PitchforkLambchop are this close to replicating an Ohio State chant with the title of their new album, but instead of the Buckeyes' "O-H-I-O", we get OH (ohio) from the band on October 7 via Merge.The eccentric outfit already has a ton of European dates this ... more info

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