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Laura Stevenson – “Torch Song”

3477 days ago
StereogumLaura Stevenson is such a badass that she named her new album Cocksure, slyly subverting a dick joke with the further wordplay of weaponry. Is it any surprise this album was written and arranged in the attic of a 19th-century Victorian house that for... more info

Beach Slang expand tour, including shows with Braid and Iron Chic (dates ++ a chance to win tix to Gigawatts Fest!)

3555 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphoto: Beach Slang at Skate & Surf 2015 (more by Mimi Hong) We already knew Beach Slang were playing the stacked third day of Brooklyn's Gigawatts Festival (7/26) with Braid, Swearin', Laura Stevenson, Cheap Girls, Chumped, and more; and they've... more info

The Menzingers, Worriers, Laura Stevenson, Timeshares and more added to The Movielife-curated iDobi festival in NJ

3620 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphoto: The Menzingers at Riot Fest Brooklyn 2012 (more by Chris La Putt) As previously mentioned, The Movielife are curating NJ's iDobi Meltdown Festival at Starland Ballroom this year, with Lifetime headlining night 1 (6/26) and The Movielife headli... more info

Don Giovanni bands list their favorite LPs of 2014 (Screaming Females, Cali X, Worriers, Crow Bait, Laura Stevenson, more)

3731 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPhoto: Screaming Females at a final DbA show (more by Gretchen Robinette) Don Giovanni Records had yet another good year, with solid 2014 releases from Nude Beach, Priests, Peter Stampfel, Black Wine, Crow Bait, Chris Gethard and more, and... more info

Kevin Devine touring w/ Field Mouse & Dads, who are touring with Somos & Roger Harvey (dates)

3739 days ago
Brooklyn VeganField Mouse at CMJ 2014 (more by Mimi Hong) Kevin Devine already announced a solo tour with Into It. Over It. (solo) and Laura Stevenson for February, and now he's added a full-band tour with Dads and Field Mouse to... more info

Kevin Devine made a video for 'Bubblegum' version of "She Can See Me," touring w/ Into It. Over It. & Laura Stevenson

3766 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Andrew Sacher Kevin Devine w/ Bad Books in 2010 (more by Kurt Christensen) Last year, Kevin Devine simultaneously released two albums, Bubblegum and Bulldozer, which both included different versions of the song "She Can See Me." Today, he put... more info

Cayetana playing shows w/ Laura Stevenson and Chumped (who open for Sidekicks/Sundials) (dates, new streams)

3855 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Andrew Sacher Cayetana in Chicago in June (more by Jeff Ryan) Philly's Cayetana are set to release their debut album, Nervous Like Me, on September 9 via Tiny Engines (pushed back from 8/26), and they'll be playing some release... more info

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