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Liran Donin's 1000 Boats: 8 Songs review – seductive melodies and Led Bib thrash

2358 days ago
Guardian MusicCavalo RecordsIn 2009, a riotously style-scrambling band of former Middlesex University jazz students called Led Bib made a big impression at that year’s Mercury prize. Like all the other jazz contenders who have ever made the shortlist, they ... more info

Horndogs Edition: Angles 9, Jeremy Danneman & Sophie Nzayisenga, Jaimie Branch And Led Bib

2864 days ago
JamBaseAngles 9, Jeremy Danneman and Sophie Nzayisenga, Jaimie Branch & Led Bib are featured in the latest installment of Aaron "Neddy" Stein's RecommNeds column. more info

This week's new live music

4857 days ago
Guardian MusicForest Fire, On tourWith their acoustic guitars and outdoorsy name, it's little wonder Forest Fire have convinced some they're a folk group. In fact, this Brooklyn band are pretty much textbook literate indie rock. Two albums in, Forest Fire are all ... more info

This week's new live music

4885 days ago
Guardian MusicLed Bib, on tourTheir name came from the dentists' garment that protects customers from x-rays, but their listeners might feel they need something similar as protection from the broadsides of punk-jazz this collective unleash. Led Bib meld John Zorn ... more info

World Service Project: Relentless – review

4900 days ago
Guardian Music(Brooke Records)London avant-funk group World Service Project have recently been touring Scandinavia and the UK with Norwegian prog-jazzers SynKoke, and there are further dates for their Match & Fuse collaborations in November, January and March with... more info

New York: the Knitting Factory opens

5019 days ago
Guardian Music1987: Number 44 in our series of the 50 key events in the history of dance musicIn 1987, a new venue stumbled into life and illuminated that dark decade as a space where downtown experimentalists could find listeners: Steve Coleman and Bill Frisell m... more info

John Martin Quartet: Dawning – review

5082 days ago
Guardian Music(F-ire)Saxophonist John Martin and pianist Jonjo Grisdale are recent graduates of the same Middlesex University jazz education that produced Led Bib, though this is much closer to orthodox jazz than Led Bib's rock and electronics-infused work. At tim... more info

Outhouse: Straw, Stick and Bricks – review

5096 days ago
Guardian Music(Babel)Outhouse are one of a growing number of young UK jazz outfits bending the music their own way – in this case away from lyricism toward a more rugged sound (founding member Dave Smith is one of the UK's most impressive young drummers). Outho... more info

This week's new music

5102 days ago
Guardian MusicNoriko Ogawa: Special Japan Appeal Concert, LondonThough she's London-based these days, pianist Noriko Ogawa was back in Tokyo, where she studied, when the devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan two weeks ago. "I was in two minds about going... more info

Led Bib – review

5125 days ago
Guardian MusicPurcell Room, LondonYou could call Led Bib's music "gonzo jazz" or "punk fusion", but it's closer to the riff rock of the Shadows or Sandy Nelson. Drummer-led groups are different, and when the leader writes most of the material, as with Led Bib's Ma... more info

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