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Musical Ignorance: Something Way Too Many People Are Proud Of These Days [Burning Questions]

6005 days ago
IdolatorCarrie Brownstein's blog Monitor Mix is generally interesting, but something about yesterday's discussion about critically acclaimed artists people aren't really familiar with rubbed the music fan in me the wrong way. Not because of Brownstein, but ... more info

Robert Plant shoots down Led Zeppelin tour and record rumors

6005 days ago
Paste MagazineRumors that Robert Plant will join Led Zeppelin for a possible 2009 tour and recording session have been shot down via his official site . more info

Paul McCartney Lets It Rip [Intentional Leak Of The Day]

6006 days ago
IdolatorARTIST: The Fireman (a.k.a. Paul McCartney) TITLE: "Nothing Too Much Just Out Of Sight" WEB DEBUT: Oct. 6, 2008 ONE-LISTEN VERDICT: The first single from Paul McCartney's forthcoming album under the guise of The Fireman got some ink for airing ou... more info

Sun Spin: Use Your Illusion

6007 days ago
JamBaseCAN IT REALLY BE 17 YEARS SINCEGUNS N' ROSES RELEASED A NEW, ORIGINAL ALBUM? Our weekly celebration of classic albums lifts its lighter for the band that might have joined the pantheon of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple if they'd onl... more info

Comment of the Week: The Campaign to Elect Terry Reid to Led Zeppelin

6009 days ago
Rolling StoneNow that Robert Plant has made it perfectly clear he won’t tour with Led Zeppelin anytime in the near future (or two years, at least), reader Kbhr has a suggestion: “Why doesn’t Page just contact Terry Reid (his original first choice) and form ... more info

Edguy: Friday's Power Metal Moment [Music To Roll 12-sided-die To]

6009 days ago
IdolatorIt been a little difficult for me to get energized today, considering I spent most of my post-debate evening huddled into a corner shivering in terror, but there's not much in life worth getting more excited over than the music of German power metal ... more info

Gem: Oasis Can Go On Until Their 90's

6009 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comOASIS could outdo the Rolling Stones and continue to rock into their nineties.While Mick Jagger and Co are still going strong in their sixties, Gem Archer of Oasis reckons his band could keeping going longer because Liam Gallagher doesn't move on sta... more info

thursday morning updates

6010 days ago
Totally Fuzzyaikin said... Part 8 of the seemingly never ending Ultimate Led Zeppelin Sessions. This week featuring more Jimmy P age. Ape Mummy said... ... [Visit the blog for the full post] more info

Rose Hill Drive Ring in the New Year With Led Zeppelin

6011 days ago
Spinner.comFiled under: Concerts and Tours, News, So it may be true that Rose Hill Drive once brought Pete Townsend onstage to help them cover the Who, but it's Jimmy Page that they'll want come December. The trio from Boulder, Colorado j... more info

Sorry Led-Heads

6012 days ago
Perez HiltonDespite reuniting last December for a charity show in London, Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin firmly denies any rumors of a comeback tour. Bummer! Plant - who is currently traveling with Alison Krauss on their Raising Sand tour - called the rumors "frus... more info

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