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Led Zeppelin 'Stairway' Trial: The 10 Weirdest Moments

3177 days ago
Rolling StoneThe Led Zeppelin classic "Stairway to Heaven" may have been pop music's first symphony. However, a recent lawsuit filed against Zeppelin - over claims that "Stairway" stole its signature intro from "Taurus," an instrumental by Sixties psychedel... more info

FROM EW: Led Zeppelin Wins 'Stairway to Heaven' Plagiarism Trial

3177 days ago
People.comThe verdict was announced in Los Angeles Thursday more info

Led Zeppelin win 'Stairway to Heaven' lawsuit

3177 days ago
NMEJury says the band did not lift Spirit's song 'Taurus' more info

Led Zeppelin wins 'Stairway to Heaven' copyright trial

3177 days ago
MSN MusicGroup had been accused of ripping off Spirit song “Taurus” while writing iconic rock anthem more info

Jury finds Led Zeppelin did not steal 'Stairway to Heaven' intro

3177 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada Jury: Zeppelin didn't steal 'Stairway' more info

Page and Plant cleared of plagiarism charge in Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" copyright infringement trial

3177 days ago
L.A. Times - EntertainmentRock giant Led Zeppelin did not lift music that formed the basis for their iconic hit “Stairway to Heaven,” a jury found Thursday, clearing the iconic rock band of accusations that it stole the opening riff of one of rock music's mo... more info

Led Zeppelin didn't steal music for 'Stairway to Heaven,' jury decides

3177 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissRock giant Led Zeppelin did not lift music that formed the basis for their iconic hit “Stairway to Heaven,” a jury found Thursday, clearing the iconic rock band of accusations that it stole the opening riff of one of rock music's most ... more info

Led Zeppelin cleared of plagiarism in Stairway case

3177 days ago
BBC News - UKLed Zeppelin did not plagiarise the opening chords of the rock epic Stairway to Heaven from the US band Spirit, a jury in Los Angeles finds. more info

Led Zeppelin cleared of stealing riff for Stairway to Heaven

3177 days ago
Guardian MusicLos Angeles jury finds Robert Plant and Jimmy Page did not lift the most famous passage from the 1971 anthem from the band SpiritLed Zeppelin has defeated a lawsuit that accused the band of stealing the opening riff in Stairway to Heaven, and cemente... more info

Led Zeppelin prevails in copyright case

3177 days ago
USA Today MusicA jury decided the band Led Zeppelin did not steal the opening to 'Stairway to Heaven.'             more info

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