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Daddy Lo toSam Ro: On Like Donkey Kong!

5922 days ago
TMZFiled under: Celebrity Feuds, Lindsay Lohan It's a good thing Lindsay Lohan spent Christmas away from her family -- because her dad and her GF surely would have come to blows. Michael Lohan is firing back at Samantha Ronson (who he refers to as a "... more info

Dad denies Lindsay Lohan's claim of half-sibling - China Daily

5922 days ago
New York Daily NewsDad denies Lindsay Lohan's claim of half-siblingChina Daily - 3 hours agoOn Tuesday Lindsay Lohan revealed on her MySpace blog, My father just let my family and I know, amongst others that he had another child after my little siste... more info

Lindsay Lohan gets half sis for Christmas - Los Angeles Times

5923 days ago
The InquisitrLindsay Lohan gets half sis for ChristmasLos Angeles Times - 5 hours agoMichael Lohan has admitted a fling with the teenage girl's 44-year-old Montana massage therapist mom, Kristi Kaufmann. It happened in 1995, when he was separated fr... more info

Celebs News: Lindsay Lohan praises Britney Spears for getting life back in order

5923 days ago
The MirrorLindsay Lohan has praised troubled Britney Spears for getting her life back on track – as a movie boss warned her own career is on the skids. more info

Celebs News: Lindsay Lohan praises Britney Spears for getting life back in order

5923 days ago
The MirrorLINDSAY Lohan has praised troubled Britney Spears for getting her life back on track – as a movie boss warned her own career is on the skids. more info

Michael Lohan denies Lindsay Lohan's claim of half-sibling - New York Daily News

5923 days ago
WELT ONLINEMichael Lohan denies Lindsay Lohan's claim of half-siblingNew York Daily News - 1 hour agoBY LAUREN JOHNSTON Lindsay Lohan yesterday wrote in her Myspace blog that shed learned she has a half-sibling, but now her father is striking back to... more info

Michael Lohan Denies Denies Denies

5923 days ago
Perez HiltonLindsay Lohan took to her personal blog yestreday to write about her life, the holidays, her father's illegitimate child, and comparing herself to Britney Spears. LezLo said, "My father just let my family and i know, amongst others that he had anothe... more info

Daddy Lohan -- LiLo's Just Making Sam Noise

5923 days ago
TMZFiled under: Lindsay Lohan It's just the gift every dad wants -- being accused of fathering a child outside his family.And yet that's what Lindsay Lohan did yesterday, accusing her dad Michael of having another child besides herself and her sibling... more info

Lindsay and Samantha Fight and Learn . . . From Britney

5924 days ago
PopSugarLindsay Lohan looked a little pissy on her way into a gated community with Samantha yesterday. While the holiday season can be stressful for everyone, it seems to be particularly so for Lindsay and Samantha. Samantha already assured us that she's fin... more info

Words of Wisdom from Lindsay Lohan

5924 days ago
Perez HiltonThe holidays are a time for celebrating, sharing with your family and ruminating on the year that has passed. Well, LezLo's been doing some thinking - a lot of it - and deeply, which means t-r-o-u-b-l-e. As she is prone to do, BiHan took to her offic... more info

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