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Daddy Lohan Has His Say

6023 days ago
TMZFiled under: Lindsay Lohan, Prez Election 2008 Michael Lohan has insinuated himself into this Obama-Lohan thing, predictably. But we think he might be taking LiLo a lil' too seriously, at least right now.Proclaimeth Michael: "Everyone is entitled t... more info

La Lohan, Entrepreneur

6023 days ago
Perez HiltonShe's hustling! Lindsay Lohan has just launched a 'brand development firm'. When the acting roles are rolling in, she's gotta make money somehow! So, what exactly is this "brand development" firm??? Called 6126, Linds and her business partners are pl... more info

SPNTV - Lindsay and Sam going steady

6023 days ago
The NewsroomLindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson hold on to each other on a night out in New York. more info

Link Time!!!

6023 days ago
PopSugar Nick Jonas has puppy love — JustJared Nicole Richie moves out!? — D-Listed James Bond injured! — Pink is the New Blog What's the deal with RDJ and Gwyneth? — LaineyGossip Lindsay Lohan wants you tan the "natural" way â... more info

Lindsay Lohan Sparks Political Feud

6023 days ago
StarpulseActress Lindsay Lohan has become the center of a political tug-of-war between U.S. presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama.[...] Read more! more info

Lohan Snubbed By Obama!

6023 days ago
Perez HiltonHas saMAN Ronson been trying to convince girlfriend Lindsay Lohan that she's a good actress and a respected role-model???? Could saMan also be the one influencing LezLo to get into politics? LaLohan has made it clear that she is a Barack Obama suppo... more info

Obama -- Hypocrite or Just Plain Smart?

6023 days ago
TMZFiled under: Prez Election 2008 Barack Obama reportedly turned down a request from Lindsay Lohan to host a few Barack events, claiming "she is not exactly the kind of high-profile star who would be a positive for us." McCain's camp is incredulous -... more info

McCain Swings at Barack Over Lindsay

6023 days ago
TMZFiled under: Prez Election 2008 John McCain has weighed in over Barack Obama's reported slap in the face to Lindsay Lohan. The Chicago Sun-Times quotes a high-level Barack source who says they rejected Lohan's offer to host a fundraiser because she... more info

Sam Sparro 'Cancelled V Festival Set To Hang Out With Lindsay Lohan'

6023 days ago
GigwiseHe Explains His Decision... more info

Sam Sparro Plans Lindsay Lohan Collaboration

6023 days ago
AngryApeHe cancels a festival appearance to spend time with the star more info

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