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Richie 'too boring' for biopic

5826 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaLionel Richie was left devastated when movie bosses scrapped a planned film about his life - as his story was deemed too boring for the big screen. more info

Lionel Richie - Richie Too Boring For Biopic

5826 days ago
ContactMusicLIONEL RICHIE was left devastated when movie bosses scrapped a planned film about his life - as his story was deemed too boring for the big screen. The Hello hitmaker ... more info

Coleen Rooney Rings In Mother's Day With Lionel Richie

5826 days ago
PopSugar UKColeen Rooney started the Mother's Day weekend with a night out with her mum and friends at a Lionel Richie concert at the Manchester Evening News Arena. Just like Kate Moss, Coleen looked tickled pink to spend some quality time with her mama. With p... more info

'Just Go' with Lionel Richie and Akon!

5830 days ago
ET Online Lionel Richie teams up with Akon for "Just Go" on his new album of the same name, in stores May 19, and ET's Kevin Frazier is exclusively on the set of the music video! "The whole idea of this song is get away," says Lionel. "This guy has fou... more info

Crowd-pleaser Lionel Richie

5833 days ago
The NewsroomSuperstar Lionel Richie talks about kicking off his world tour in Dublin and how, after 30 years in the music biz, his fans are getting younger, not older. (March 16) more info

Lionel Richie - Richie Thought Grandchild Would End Career

5835 days ago
ContactMusicPop star LIONEL RICHIE flew into a panic at the news his daughter NICOLE was pregnant - as he believed it would spell an end to his sex appeal. The All Night Long star, ... more info

Essence Adds Acts To Festival, Discord To Gibson House [The Less Detestable, The Indoor Festival]

5836 days ago
IdolatorI was fully on board with the Essence Music Festival lineup already, based on my previously untested theory that if Al Green, Maxwell and Teena Marie in the same place, something magical will happen, possibly involving a open portal to an alternate s... more info

Lionel Richie - Richie Tried To Distance Himself From Nicole

5839 days ago
ContactMusicSinger LIONEL RICHIE attempted to distance himself from his daughter NICOLE during her wild younger years - but couldn't stop worrying about her party lifestyle. The ... more info

Madonna - Madonna And Jackson Guitarist Dies In Poverty

5840 days ago
ContactMusicDAVID WILLIAMS, a top session guitarist who performed with MADONNA, MICHAEL JACKSON, LIONEL RICHIE and JESSICA SIMPSON, has died at the age of 58. Williams was admitted to ... more info

Celebs News: The girl with 13 celebrity autographs tattooed on her body

5849 days ago
The MirrorCeline Dion, Lionel Richie and Kylie Minogue are just a few of the amazing signatures on Zoe Wade's back. more info

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