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Nialler9 Podcast #22 - Irish Songs of 2008

5840 days ago
Nialler9Bringing the public polls to a close for another year we have a podcast consisting of the top Irish tunes of 2008, as voted by the readers of Nialler9. We decided not to announce a tracklisting for this one so that you'll have to listen to it to see ... more info

Lisa Hannigan St John's Smith Sq review

5856 days ago
The TelegraphDamien Rice collaborator steps into the spotlight more info

Lisa Hannigan steps out of Rice's shadow

5899 days ago
L.A. Times - EntertainmentThe Irish singer moves to center stage behind her debut solo CD, 'Sea Sew.' Irish singer Lisa Hannigan sounds a little over the subject of Damien Rice, her fri... more info

Lisa Hannigan - Sea Saw

5939 days ago
Nialler9I’ve just been listening to Una and Phil talking about Lisa Hannigan’s new album on Phantom. Both of them were pretty much in agreement that Lisa Hannigan doesn’t exactly of current Irish music zeitgiest of forward thinking, eclectic music. It... more info

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