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Lisa Marie's Flowers for MJ Plea -- Few Takers

5418 days ago
TMZFiled under: Lisa Marie Presley, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson Memorial Lisa Marie Presley 's desperate plea for fans to bring more flowers to Michael Jackson 's tomb must have fallen on deaf ears -- because... more info

Lisa Marie Moving To The UK?

5418 days ago
Perez HiltonIt's possible! Lisa Marie Presley is said to be so fed up with Los Angeles that she's ready to pack up and move her family to England! She has reportedly put up her two homes for sale in California and she and her husband are scoping out stately home... more info

Lisa Marie Presley Encourages Fans To Put Flowers On Michael Jackson's Tomb

5418 days ago
411 ManiaLisa Marie says Michael deserves better... more info

Lisa Marie Presley Requests Flowers For Michael Jackson’s Grave

5418 days ago
Pop CrunchLisa Marie Presley has issued a plea imploring fans of pop icon Michael Jackson to send flowers to the late star’s grave, which has been noticeably empty since his burial at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Los Angeles last summer.Presley was marri... more info

Lisa Marie's Request For Michael Jackson

5418 days ago
Perez HiltonThis is actually very sweet. Lisa Marie Presley is pleading for fans of her ex-husband Michael Jackson to send flowers to his grave as it's been noticeably empty. She writes on her blog: "Greetings MJ Fans…. While visiting him a few days ago at F... more info

Lisa Marie Presley Wants Sunflowers Galore For Michael Jackson

5418 days ago
DlistedLisa Marie Presley recently visited Michael Jackson's tomb at Forest Lawn and she didn't like seeing the giant empty space surrounding him so she has asked his fans to solve that problem. Lisa writes on her MySpace page that sunflowers made... more info

Lisa Marie Presley - Presleys Plea To Jackson Fans

5419 days ago
ContactMusicLISA MARIE PRESLEY has called on fans of her late ex-husband MICHAEL JACKSON to surround the superstar's burial plot with sunflowers after she was left disappointed by the... more info

Holy Ho-Hos Lisa Marie!

5482 days ago
Perez HiltonWe can't believe our eyes!!! This is tragic BEYOND tragic! The upcoming issue of The National Enquirer is sporting this shocking pic of Lisa Marie Presley out with her daughter. She has gain a ton…or two! Even her baby girl looks like she is sayin... more info

Michael Jackson's 'Unsettled' Spirit Apologizes To Lisa Marie Presley

5510 days ago
StarpulseMichael Jackson has spoken out from beyond the grave to Lisa Marie Presley in a spooky séance, according to the King Of Pop's former make-up artist. Beautician Karen Faye and Jackson's ex-wife Presley allegedly made contact with the singer, who di... more info

Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson Spooks Presley

5511 days ago
ContactMusicMichael Jackson has apologised to Lisa Marie Presley from beyond the grave.The spirit of the late 'Thriller' singer is believed to have made contact with his ex-wife... more info

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