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the final monday batch of updates

5246 days ago
Totally FuzzyMihai Vancea said... M.I.A. - MAYA (2010) Review - Not her best, but another spectaculor and usettleling record. zero said... - Neil Young - Danny By The River (Bootleg, Cincinnati, February, 25, 1970) - Swing ... more info

Whatcha Say: The Good, The Bad & The ‘Glee’ In This Week’s Reader Comments

5249 days ago
IdolatorThis week felt like the calm before the storm, as Taylor Swift released one last promo single ahead of her Speak Now album. But she wasn’t the only one who served up new material! M.I.A. and Pet Shop Boys premiered new tunes, while Robyn unveiled h... more info

M.I.A’s Most Mundane Fashion Looks (PHOTOS)

5249 days ago
IdolatorM.I.A. may tend come up short when performing live, the "XXXO" rapper knows how to deliver when it comes to turning heads with insane ensembles (that polka dot maternity dress from the 2009 Grammys, anyone?). But even a clotheshorse with a penchant f... more info

Stare In Horror At M.I.A.’s Scream Awards Performance

5249 days ago
IdolatorM.I.A.performed (if you can call prancing around a stage tunelessly mumbling into a microphone “performing”) her song “TeqKilla” at Spike TV’s 2010 Scream Awards earlier this week, and if our previous fan-filmed preview made you salivating ... more info

M.I.A. Performs At Scream Awards, Drops New Song, Continues Acting Crazy

5253 days ago
IdolatorNever one to pass up an opportunity to stir some controversy, M.I.A.walked the red carpet at Spike TV’s Scream Awards giving the finger while wearing a burka (emblazoned with lyrics to ///Y/ tracks), and later performed “Teqkilla” on the awards... more info

M.I.A. – “Bedroom To The Hallway To The Road To The World”

5253 days ago
StereogumM.I.A.’s not afraid to purchase URLs or to continue releasing new material in the face of ill-founded backlash. Here’s another weirdo gem ostensibly called “Bedroom To The Hallway To The Road To The World,” a title that comes off like amped B... more info

M.I.A.'s ex-producer slams star for 'leaking' track

5254 days ago
Yahoo! Music UKworld entertainment news - Rapper/singer M.I.A. has upset her record producer Diplo again - after uploading her new track onto the web without allegedly paying the beatmaker for his services. more info

Diplo - Mias Ex Producer Slams Star For Leaking Track

5254 days ago
ContactMusicBritish rapper/singer M.I.A. has upset her record producer DIPLO again - after uploading her new track onto the web without allegedly paying the beatmaker for... more info

Do not adjust your paper

5254 days ago
The MirrorWhile being directly responsible for skintight animal print coming back into fashion (which is definitely a good thing), M.I.A. looked like a dayglow clown at Scream 2010. more info


5255 days ago
AltsoundsDeemed the "electro metal Mozart" by MSTRKRFT's JFK, Finnish producer and executioner* Huoratron ( more info

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