The Music Fix — News Flash: to feast your eyes uponMGMT's 'Flash Delirium' is taken from their forthcoming album 'Congratulations' which is out through Columbia on the 12th April
Stop For A Minute features on Keane's new eight-song EP, Night Train, which will be r... more info
Pitchfork — Just listening to MGMT's "Flash Delirium"-- with its stylistic change-ups and inexplicable internal logic-- can send you into a fever dream. And now the crazed first single from the duo's Congratulations has its own video, which somehow brings things... more info
DrownedInSound — Last week synth-pop duo MGMT got so annoyed by the leak of their new record, Congratulations, that they ended up streaming it themselves on their own website those of you who are interested in the pair will probably have had a few listens to it alrea... more info
Addict Music —
'Flash Delirium' will appear on their new album Congratulations, the follow-up to their 2007 debut Oracular Spectacular, which is due out on the 12th of April. more info News — Video is like Beck's bizarre 'Sexx Laws' clip for a new generation.By James Montgomery
MGMT in their video for "Flash Delirium"
Photo: Sony/Columbia
There's a whole lot going on in MGMT's just-released video for "Flash Delirium" (currently ... more info News — Above and Beyond, Swedish House Mafia also close out the two-day fest during WMC 2010.By Akshay Bhansali
Tommy Lee (file)
Photo: Bill McCay/ WireImage
MIAMI -- With over 200 DJs vying for the attention of close to 100,000 people in attendan... more info
DrownedInSound — More Spotify based musical relevance this week, featuring Hot Chip, MGMT, Clipse, Foals, The Futureheads, The Magnetic Fields, The National and more!
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