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Madonna's management deny bowing to legal threat over Girl Gone Wild

4761 days ago
Guardian MusicTitle of Madonna's new single not changed to appease creator of pornographic Girls Gone Wild series, says Madonna's managerMadonna's management has laughed off the suggestion that she has renamed her new single to avoid being sued by the creator of t... more info

My Donna – Into The Grove (Dimitri From Paris Re-Edit)

4762 days ago
Discobelle.netForget about her latest single “Girl’s Gone Wild” because Dimitri From Paris has given old school Madonna new life with his rework of “Into the Groove.” In 2007, the French producer opened for Madge on the Parisian leg of her tour and is al... more info

The no-fun professionalism of Madonna's new single, 'Girl Gone Wild'

4762 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & Hiss"Girl Gone Wild," the second track to be released off of Madonna's winkishly named "MDNA" due March 26, sounds grimly serious about the business of getting down. more info

Madonna is a “Girl Gone Wild” [Audio]

4762 days ago
Pop CrunchOpen your ears from new music from the Material Girl: Madonna is a “Girl Gone Wild.” Take that, Joe Francis! Madonna continues her dance floor anthems with “Girl Gone Wild,” [...] more info

Ashton Kutcher Hits Up Madonna's Oscar Party!! BTW, She's One Of Demi Moore's BFFs!!!!

4762 days ago
Perez HiltonUm, yeah! Bizarre!! While Demi Moore celebrated Oscar night at rehab, Ashton Kutcher was pAArtying til the crack of dawn at her best friend's mega shindig!! How did he get in good with Madonna?!? Must be all that LOVE she practices!! Ashton was livi... more info

Madonna Given Cease And Desist Letter Over "Girl Gone Wild"

4762 days ago
411 ManiaJoe Francis isn't happy... more info

Madonna Says She Didn't Change Her Single Name Because of Joe Francis

4762 days ago
411 ManiaShe doesn't know who he is... more info

Elton John Vs. Madonna: Who Had The Better Oscar Party???

4762 days ago
Perez HiltonSounds to us like BOTH parties were fantastic! Last week, we were hearing that Madonna's Oscar party was going to be A-MAZING…but then earlier today, we heard all about ELTON's party…and it sounded pret-ty awesome! Now, the final guest lists have... more info

GGW boss to sue Madonna?

4762 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaJoe Francis is threatening to take legal action against Madonna over the name of her upcoming single, even though the pop superstar tweaked the title following allegations of copyright infringement. more info

Joe Francis Threatens To Sue Over Madonna Song Title

4762 days ago
StarpulseFilmmaker Joe Francis is threatening to take legal action against Madonna over the name of her upcoming single, even though the pop superstar tweaked the title following allegations of copyright in... more info

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