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It's a Risky Bizniz for Marnie Stern

5273 days ago
The Music FixSingle details and UK dates announced. more info

Marnie Stern: Marnie Stern | CD review

5276 days ago
Guardian Music(Souterrain Transmissions)New Yorker Marnie Stern came to prominence in 2008 as an unorthodox, self-taught female guitarist, still enough of a rarity even these days to warrant special mention. Her third, eponymously titled album purports to be more... more info

Shorties (Marnie Stern, Books to Impress Girls, and more)

5278 days ago
LargeHeartedBoyEye Weekly lists five things you need to know about Marnie Stern. 1. She is a guitar goddess. For those of you unfamiliar with the axe-slinging virtuoso, she has been making jaws drop in her native Brooklyn, and, consequently, the... more info

Marnie Stern – Transparency Is the New Mystery

5285 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForI was browsing twitter before and noticed a convo between two of my favorite bloggers, Knox Road & We Listen For You. They both agreed that the new Marnie Stern song, “Transparency Is the New Mystery”, is fantastic, and I got to hand it to them, ... more info


5288 days ago
AltsoundsAs if the prospect of DIY guitar shredder *Marnie Stern* heading over to the UK for a proper album tour isn't enough for you, she has also added two London dates to the tour to make sure everyone gets to witness her in live action. She will be ... more info

Marnie Stern adds two London dates to UK tour

5288 days ago
DrownedInSoundA couple of weeks ago we informed you about Marnie Stern's forthcoming UK tour, which had just been announced. There were a couple of dates missing, we told you, London dates would be available in 2 weeks or so, we were told. We also said we'd tell y... more info

Marnie Stern dates announced

5291 days ago
The Music FixI've got Wednesday and we're going to the zoo! more info

Zach Hill – “The Primitives Talk”

5291 days ago
StereogumJust in time to redirect and personally absorb some of the manifold impending plaudits for his ever invent, fierce, lyrical drum work on Marnie Stern’s forthcoming (and excellent) third LP Marnie Stern, Zach Hill has made another video for last yea... more info

Marnie Stern Tour Dates November 2010

5292 days ago
I Like MusicReleases her self-titled third album on the 18th of October 2010 and tours the UK on November 2010 more info

New music: Marnie Stern – Transparency Is the New Mystery

5298 days ago
Guardian MusicMarnie Stern knows her way around a fretboard, without the need to drop noodly solos everywhere ...In 2008 New York's Marnie Stern was voted one of the greatest female guitarists of all time by Venus magazine, in a poll set up to contest the idea tha... more info

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