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Doveman played another guest-filled show (pics), Martha Wainwright plays w/ Elvis Perkins & Jesse Harris Friday

5072 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Vincent Cornelli Doveman played another guest-filled show at Le Poisson Rouge in NYC on Saturday night. The backing band was comprised of Brad Albetta (bass), Ben Perowsky (drums), Rob moose (guitar, violin), and Doug Wieselman (clarinet, b... more info

Having children helped my depression

5124 days ago
Guardian MusicHaving experienced depression, Viv Groskop feared that motherhood would make the condition worse. But, for her, family life has had the opposite effectBefore I had children, one question occupied me a lot: what is the connection between mental health... more info

Rufus Wainwright and Lorca Cohen announce birth of Viva Katherine

5135 days ago
Guardian MusicGay singer has child with Leonard Cohen's daughter, while partner is 'deputy dad' to baby with three parentsDaughter to a talented opera-composing polymath and a videographer, granddaughter to one of the great singer-songwriters and heir to an influe... more info

Pass notes No 2,931: Viva Katherine Wainwright Cohen

5135 days ago
Guardian MusicSinger Rufus Wainwright and his partner may be gay but they've just had a baby girl thanks to Leonard Cohen's daughterYes, long live Katherine whoever she is. No, Viva is her first name.My mistake. Should we start again? I think so.Age: 20 days.Wait,... more info

Hallelujah! Rufus Wainwright has baby with Leonard Cohen's daughter

5135 days ago
Guardian MusicA year after revealing his 'paternal feelings' Rufus reveals that Lorca Cohen has given birth to a baby girl who will be brought up by both of her parents, as well as Wainwright's partnerRufus Wainwright has had a baby with Leonard Cohen's daughter. ... more info

New band of the day – No 955: Delta Maid

5160 days ago
Guardian MusicLike a Liverpudlian Loretta Lynn, this singer does a neat line in impersonations of the hillbilly, back-porch varietyHometown: Liverpool.The lineup: Delta Maid (voice, guitar).The background: Someone recently described Delta Maid as "a Liverpool beau... more info

What's going on Monday?

5164 days ago
Brooklyn Veganthe Decemberists @ Summerstage in 2007 today in NYC * Whiplash @ UCB * Leni Stern @ Barbes * Cumbiagra @ Barbes * Hot Tub with Kurt and Kristen @ Littlefield * Martha Wainwright @ Rockwood Music Hall * The... more info

Martha Wainwright in residency @ Rockwood, playing Dolly Parton show @ Living Room & other dates

5170 days ago
Brooklyn VeganMartha Wainwright at Le Poisson Rouge (more by Chris La Putt) [Monday] night was the first of Martha Wainwright's four Monday night shows at The Rockwood Music Hall. Although Martha said she was thinking of the scene in Crazy Heart... more info

The Kate McGarrigle I knew, by British singer-songwriter Linda Thompson

5207 days ago
Guardian MusicLinda Thompson recalls the extraordinary musical talent and wit of her friend, the Canadian musician Kate McGarrigle, who died of cancer on 18 January, aged 63.Must buy a McDonald's franchise… that was my initial thought on hearing Kate and Anna Mc... more info

Martha Wainwright sang Piaf @ Le Poisson Rouge (pics)

5251 days ago
Brooklyn Veganwords & photos by Chris La Putt It's been a disorienting year for Martha Wainwright -- the Montreal-born singer/songwriter lost her mother (renown singer Kate McGarrigle) to cancer, went into labour early (thankfully delivering a healthy baby boy), a... more info

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