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Daily Downloads (Nirvana, Mates of State, and more)

5638 days ago
LargeHeartedBoyToday's free and legal mp3 downloads: Blunt Mechanic: "Aluminum and Light" [mp3] from World Record (out January 12th) other Blunt Mechanic posts at Largehearted Boy Frankie Rose: "Thee Only One" [mp3] from Thee Only One other Frankie Rose posts at... more info

Hey, 'Gabba Gabba!': A new season starts today

5646 days ago
Pop CandyI don't have kids, and yet I've seen my share of Yo Gabba Gabba! episodes. It's pretty hard to ignore, especially when guest stars have included the The Shins, Elijah Wood, Mates of State, Jack Black and others. more info

[video] Taken By Trees :: “My Boys”

5657 days ago
The Yellow StereoI’ve been spending most of the evening catching up on a few recently released albums, including the latest from Taken By Trees — the solo project of former Concretes lead singer Victoria Bergsman. Despite clocking in at a mere 32 minutes, East Of... more info

Weezer, Blink-182 top roster of free Virgin Fest

5755 days ago
Live DailyAlt-rock icons Weezer [ tickets ] and Blink-182 [ tickets ] have signed on to headline the 2009 Virgin Mobile Festival [ tickets ], which organizers have announced will be a free event. "Times are tough and money's tight," reads an announcement po... more info

Dfest 2nd Round: Cake, Ra Ra...

5782 days ago
JamBaseDfest's Second Round Headliners Announced Including Cake, Mates of State, Ra Ra Riot, Dengue Fever & More Cake The largest music festival and conference in the Midwest today announced the second round of artists to headline this year's event.... more info

This week in Music Licensing (De La Soul, the Dodos, Passion Pit, Black Lips, Matt & Kim, Mates of State & more...)

5798 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Ryan Barkan chili or mojitos anyone? Phone wars 2009 - Verizon vs. AT&T. It is always a battle when these two giants square off with their :60 second spots in tow to prove which company provides the best cellular... more info

Wanderlust Fest in Lake Tahoe
Franti, Spoon, Bird, BSS, Lewis

5799 days ago
JamBaseWanderlust Festival Lands in Lake Tahoe Yoga, Music, and Spectacular Views Set This Festival Apart From the Rest This summer welcomes a new boutique, three-day experience with the Wanderlust Festival. Wanderlust brings together the world's l... more info

If You Like M.I.A., The Knife, & Animal Collective...

5817 days ago
Persona Sauna...then you'll probably like the Middle Eastern meets Echo Park sounds of Rainbow Arabia. The relatively new music video for "Omar K" off their album The Basta is completely awesome. I probably wouldn't have ever heard this song hadn't it been for th... more info

Ice Palace and Cloud Cult with Margot and the Nuclear So & Sos

5823 days ago
Ryan's Smashing LifeON FURTHER REVIEWlive music in New England...Ice Palace at the Paradise 4/7/07Photos by Sean HaffertyDATELINE - BOSTON: As most of you have noticed, last week was a pretty music-packed time here in Boston. There's been the WBCN Rock 'n' Roll Rumble (... more info

Flosstradamus Remixes Mates of State

5828 days ago
Persona SaunaWell this was something fun to come across. Sometimes random remixes like this are just what I was subconsciously in the mood for, dontcha agree?Mates of State - The Re-Arranger (Flosstradamus Remix) [yousendit] more info

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