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Video: Matthew Dear performs “Slowdance” in Moog Sound Lab

4529 days ago
Consequence of SoundExpect more of the same at this year's Moogfest. more info

Don’t miss at TIMF 2012: Matthew Dear

4531 days ago
The Bay BridgedThere aren’t many new adjectives to assign or much more praise to give when discussing dapper DJ/producer/front man Matthew Dear. Since his beginnings as co-founder of multi-level curator Ghostly International and its sister platform Spectral Sound... more info

Song Recommendations: Sep 24-30 2012

4540 days ago
betterPropoganda Posted at 2:50pm, 10/1/2012 Every week we bring you the best cutting edge music from around the web. Our newest batch of uploads are ready for your listening pleasure. You can download the following mp3s individually OR play them all in a row. Cl... more info

Video: Matthew Dear "Earthforms"

4544 days ago
XLR8R Since the beginning of last month, Matthew Dear's "Earthforms" has surfaced as a free download and as a smoothed-out, jazzy remix from label mate Michna. Today, the Ghostly artist unveiled a video for the tune, which pairs the grinding, post-pu... more info

Song Recommendations: Sep 17-23 2012

4547 days ago
betterPropoganda Posted at 1:30pm, 9/24/2012 Every week we bring you the best cutting edge music from around the web. Our newest batch of uploads are ready for your listening pleasure. You can download the following mp3s individually OR play them all in a row. Cl... more info

Matthew Dear "Earthforms (Michna Remix)"

4558 days ago
XLR8RGhostly, in celebration of its four-day art show in NYC, Ghostly International: Of Art & Artifice, has released a free compilation on Soundcloud in conjuction with Incase. read more more info

Trainwreck: Matthew Dear

4560 days ago
XLR8RTrainwreck is a new feature on XLR8R where artists tell us, in their own words, about some horror stories from their past. Catastrophic gear failures, sketchy promoters, travel nightmares... it's all fodder for Trainwreck. For the first edition,... more info

6 Mix 2012-08-31 Matthew Dear in the mix

4570 days ago
Core News“This week on 6 Music, songwriter and producer, Matthew Dear, takes to the 6 Mix decks. Matthew plays a mixture of tracks that have inspired his new album, Beams, and some new music that is big in his world right now. Beams, which was recorded at h... more info

Matthew Dear's Beams of light

4570 days ago
Guardian MusicHe makes music for the head and the hips, but the Texan electronic artist is torn between hedonism and domesticismSomewhere between the Ryanair redeyes, the Class As and the promotional T-shirts from record labels, dance music and style lost each oth... more info

Album Review: Matthew Dear – Beams

4573 days ago
Consequence of SoundMatthew Dear continues to be the best Matthew Dear he can be. more info

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