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Michael Jackson - Jackson Family Questions Michael's Will Authenticity

4613 days ago
ContactMusicMichael Jacksons siblings have fired off a letter demanding the immediate resignation of the superstars estate executors Janet Rebbie Tito Randy and Jermaine Jackson have called into question the authenticity of the Thriller icons last will and test.... more info

Queen Rules British… Pop Charts?!

4613 days ago
Perez HiltonIn celebration of their 60-year anniversary, Britain's Official Singles Chart polled the nation to find out people's favorite songs of all time in the UK. And the winner is… Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody! The rest of the top five was comprised of Micha... more info

Berry Gordy - Berry Gordy Seeking New Michael Jackson For Broadway Musical

4613 days ago
ContactMusicMotown visionary Berry Gordy has launched an online search for a budding star to portray himself Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder in a soulful new musical The music executive has taken to YouTube com in an effort to discover an African-American perf... more info

The 411 Music Top Five 07.17.12: The Top Five Acts of the 1980s

4614 days ago
411 ManiaFrom Michael Jackson and Queen to Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, Madonna and more, the 411 staff breaks down their top 5 acts of the 1980s! more info

It's Time For The Gathering of the Juggalos Again!

4614 days ago
Dlisted If you've got 23 minutes of free time, 23 brain cells to spare and want to see a touching tribute to the late and great Ass Dan, then smear your eyes with topical ointment and watch the long as hell infomercial for 2012's Gathering of the ... more info

Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" Voted UK's Favorite #1 Single

4615 days ago
411 ManiaBeating out Michael Jackson and Adele... more info

Michael Jackson Estate Generates Over $475 Million

4616 days ago
StarpulseThe executors of Michael Jackson's estate are on course to pay off the late singer's $500 million debt by the end of the year. The "Thriller" hitmaker's finances were a mess when he died in June, ... more info

Michael Jackson's Estate Has Almost Cleared Its Debt

4617 days ago
411 ManiaAlmost $500 million paid off… more info

Michael Jackson - Michael Jackson Estate Almost Debt-free

4617 days ago
ContactMusicThe Michael Jackson Estate has nearly paid off the singers 500 million debt The late singers estate has allegedly made a fortune since his death in June 2009 and the earnings have neared the total sum of what he owed when he perished Execu... more info

Celebrity items auctioned in Argentina

4617 days ago
The NewsroomAn Eric Clapton guitar, Michael Jackson jacket and photographs of Marilyn Monroe feature in a celebrity memorabilia auction in Buenos Aires. more info

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