Guardian Music — For the first blog of our short series, our intrepid music reporter is put under house arrest with nothing but the EastEnders theme tune to listen to. That'll teach him not to pay bribes ...If someone had fulfilled Pyongyang's request to pack Eric Cl... more info
411 Mania — News on Christina Aguilera's potential meltdown, Britney Spears teaming with Gucci Mane, Michael Jackson's disappointing album sales, Kanye West getting told off by a country singer, Lauryn Hill's bad press tour continuing and more! more info
Perez Hilton — Anyone and everyone is trying to ca$$$h in on Michael Jackson, the latest being his former personal assistant and friend Frank Cascio.
The self-proclaimed "lifelong confidante" has inked a deal with HarperCollins publisher William Morrow to write a m... more info
I Like Music — Following lead single Hold My Hand, a duet with Akon, the second official single from the album Michael has been confirmed as Hollywood Tonight more info
Pop Bytes — Admittedly, I'm still a little on the fence about
; I love it but ultimately I feel like it may have painted itself into a corner creatively. But lo, like God finally answering my prayers for world peace and bigger pecs, Glee is covering the ... more info
TMZ — Filed under: Michael Jackson, Jackie Jackson, Khloe Kardashian, George Lopez, Prince Michael, TMZ Sports, Kids
Michael Jackson 's eldest kid Prince Michael Jackson got the royal treatment at las... more info