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Gwyneth Paltrow - Gwyneth Paltrow's Character Based On Britney

5176 days ago
ContactMusicGwyneth Paltrow's character in 'Country Strong' was based on Britney Spears and Michael Jackson.The Hollywood actress plays down-on-her-luck country singer Kelly Canter - who is struggling with drink problems while trying to make a comeback in the fi... more info

Jackson doc kept mum about propofol

5176 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaLOS ANGELES - Two hospital physicians testified Thursday that Michael Jackson's doctor never admitted to giving him the powerful anesthetic propofol after the singer arrived at their emergency room in cardiac arrest. more info

Michael Jackson Doctor 'Didn't Tell Medics About Drugs'

5176 days ago
GigwisePreliminary hearing continues... more info

It's WAR at the Michael Jackson House

5177 days ago
TMZFiled under: Michael Jackson, Katherine Jackson, Alejandra Jackson, Celebrity Justice Michael Jackson 's estate is asking a judge to do what Katherine Jackson can't -- kick Alejandra Jackson and her kids ou... more info

Michael Jackson doctor kept mum about propofol at hospital

5177 days ago
ReutersLOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Two hospital physicians testified on Thursday that Michael Jackson's doctor never admitted to giving him the powerful anesthetic propofol after the singer arrived at their emergency room in cardiac arrest. more info

MJ Manslaughter Prelim -- Fashion Judgments

5177 days ago
TMZFiled under: Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson, TMZ TV, Celebrity Justice From Janet Jackson 's suits to Dr. Conrad Murray 's neck wear -- it's time for the world's most ridiculous display of style ... "Possib... more info

Michael Jackson - Phone Records Suggest Dr. Murray Wasted Time Texting Following Jackson Death

5177 days ago
ContactMusicMICHAEL JACKSON's physician has been accused of wasting time texting and making cellphone calls before contacting emergency services after finding the King of Pop unconscious in his bedroom in the third day of a hearing into the details surrounding t... more info

More Disturbing Details Emerge From The MJ Murder Hearing

5177 days ago
Perez HiltonThis certainly isn't going to help his case. As the preliminary hearing against Dr. Conrad Murray for the murder of Michael Jackson continued yesterday, yet more shady details about the day the pop star passed are coming out, thanks to a testimony fr... more info

EMT Says Conrad Murray Denied Giving Michael Jackson Drugs

5177 days ago
411 ManiaSays he called 911 the minute he found Michael... more info

Jackson Doctor 'Tried To Conceal Drugs'

5177 days ago
Sky NewsA paramedic sent to Michael Jackson's mansion said he saw his doctor scoop up three bottles of lidocaine and place them in a bag as efforts were made to revive the pop superstar. more info

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