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Miley Cyrus Responds To Amanda Bynes Calling Her 'Ugly,' Says She Had Been 'Rooting For Her Comeback'

4293 days ago
StarpulseAmanda Bynes has been making a spectacle of herself these days, calling out other celebrities on Twitter and exhibiting bizarre behavior. Her latest target? Miley Cyrus. more info

Brenda Song sparks reports of rekindled romance with Miley's brother

4293 days ago
StarpulseMiley Cyrus' rocker brother Trace and actress/singer Brenda Song have sparked rumours of a reconciliation exactly one year after calling off their engagement (Jun12). The couple was spotted out an... more info

Let’s Talk About That Time Amanda Bynes And Liam Hemsworth Hooked Up

4294 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneThere is a weird, creepy love quadrangle happening between Liam Hemsworth, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and Amanda Bynes, and if I'm being honest, I can't take my eyes off of it. Sure, the increasingly erratic actions of one member of said triangle su... more info

Miley Cyrus Gets #3 On Billboard Digital Songs Chart

4294 days ago
411 ManiaRobin Thicke holds on to #1... more info

UPDATED: Justin Bieber Spotted Flirting With Miley Cyrus

4294 days ago
411 ManiaMiley denies anything serious... more info

Miley Cyrus Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop Pretending To Be Engaged

4294 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneNo matter how good you are at your job, I promise you aren't as good as Miley Cyrus is at hers. And no, I'm not talking about acting or singing or tweeting or twerking, although those elements are all part of it -- Miley's job is one she gave herself... more info

Bieber, Cyrus get flirty at hotspot

4294 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, Canada Justin Bieber may have made a Belieber out of Miley Cyrus. more info

Bieber Parked His Leopard-Print Car At Miley’s House — No Punchline Necessary

4295 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneYou know those times in life where something is done for you in a way that's even better than if you'd tried to do it yourself? Well that's what happened to me today when the internet informed me that Justin Bieber has a new car, and it's leopard-pri... more info

Crush Links: Kristin Stewart Wants to Prove She’s Not Sulking Over Her Broken Vampire Heart

4295 days ago
Big Apple Music Scene• I had no idea “under boob” and “window boob” were actual terms. Thank you, Miley Cyrus, for demonstrating. It all makes sense now.  (Celebrity Dirty Laundry) • Amanda Bynes is a genius at pissing people off. Remember that cop … More ... more info

Watching Miley Cyrus Attempt To Twerk Onstage At Juicy J Show Is Really Awkward

4296 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneIf you haven’t already seen Miley Cyrus twerking in her infamous unicorn video, let me tell you, it is shockingly entertaining; I seriously cannot turn my eyes away whenever I see it posted or even referenced. At a Juicy J show this weekend, Cyrus ... more info

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