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Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus And Liam Hemsworth's Co-star Thrilled By Engagement

4571 days ago
ContactMusicMiley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworths The Last Song co-star is thrilled about their engagement The couple met on the set of the 2010 drama and announced their engagement in June and Greg Kinnear - who played Mileys father in the movie - is delighted ab... more info

Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus Intruder Pleads Not Guilty To Trespassing

4571 days ago
ContactMusicThe scissor-wielding intruder police found hiding in the bushes at Miley Cyruss home in Los Angeles on Saturday 08Sep12 has pleaded not guilty to trespassing and resisting arrest Jason Luis Rivera reportedly scaled a fence to get into the grounds of ... more info

Miley Cyrus' Last Song Dad Greg Kinnear Approves of Liam Hemsworth Engagement: "It's Great"

4571 days ago
E! OnlineWe all know Miley Cyrus' dad Billy Ray approves of her and Liam Hemsworth's engagement. And now we just found so does Greg Kinnear, aka Miley's father in The Last... more info

Miley Cyrus' Home Invader Charged With Trespassing

4571 days ago
411 ManiaAnd resisting arrest... more info

Miley Cyrus Stalker Charged with Trespassing and Resisting Arrest

4571 days ago
Pop CrunchJason Luis Rivera — the scissors-wielding man arrested outside Miley Cyrus’ Los Angeles home on Saturday — has been charged with two counts of trespassing and one count of resisting [...] more info

Miley Cyrus named in battery claim

4572 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaMiley Cyrus has a reputation for cranking out hits - but if a new allegation against her is to be believed, her latest hit could land her in court instead of the top of the charts. more info

Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus Scissor-wielding Trespasser Is Charged

4572 days ago
ContactMusicA man arrested outside Miley Cyrus Los Angeles home this weekend has been charged with trespassing and evading arrest According to TMZ com Mr Jason Luis Rivera was charged on Monday morning September 10 2012 Cops responded to the singer... more info

Miley Cyrus - Miley Cyrus Intruder Was Carrying Scissors

4572 days ago
ContactMusicThe intruder arrested at Miley Cyrus home in Los Angeles on Saturday 08Sep12 was carrying a pair of scissors when police apprehended him hiding in bushes Jason Luis Rivera who reportedly scaled a fence to get into the grounds has been charged with tr... more info

Miley Cyrus' Stalker Says She Is His Wife

4572 days ago
The NewsroomThe Los Angeles Police Department tells Hollyscoop a prowler was arrested outside of Miley Cyrus home, after he was caught and arrested for jumping over her fence with a pair of scissors. The man wanted to meet Miley. He started banging on the door a... more info

Miley Cyrus' Scissor Stalker Officially Charged!

4572 days ago
Perez HiltonYou don't almost break into a MileyBird-house wielding scissors without swift, just punishment! Which is exactly what Jason Luis Rivera received this morning when he was officially charged with two counts of trespassing and one count of resisting arr... more info

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