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Miranda Lambert Is Being Accused Of Calling Her Boyfriend’s Wife Non-Stop 

2434 days ago
DlistedMiranda Lambert‘s new piece’s ex piece is sort-of calling her out on Instagram, according to UsWeekly. Miranda’s new boyfriend, Evan Felker has himself caught between a rock and a hard place with his new country-star girlfriend and current wi... more info

Staci Felker Suggests Accused Husband Thief Miranda Lambert Keeps Calling Her!

2434 days ago
Perez HiltonIs Miranda Lambert blowing up Staci Felker's phone?? As we reported, Blake Shelton's ex has been linked to Turnpike Troubadours musician Evan Felker, who is currently going through a divorce with his wife. Related: Miranda 'Hung Up' On Interviewer Wh... more info

Miranda Lambert, Faith Hill and Other Celebrities Share Their Favorite Spots in the South

2441 days ago
TimeWe asked notable Southerners to tell us about a place they love. Here are some of their favorites. Miranda Lambert Float the Guadalupe River by day and listen to live music at Gruene Hall by night—it’s the perfect Texas outing. Drew Brees I love ... more info

Miranda Lambert Makes Her Husband Theft Official By Getting Photographed With Evan Felker!

2447 days ago
Perez HiltonMiranda Lambert really does do a little thing called whatever she wants. The singer finally decided to make it official with Evan Felker, the member of her opening band she's been rumored to be dating for months. (Even though he was totallt married w... more info

Watch Drunk Blake Shelton Take 'A Giant Shit Fall' While Dancing Onstage!

2450 days ago
Perez HiltonAt least Blake Shelton is able to laugh at himself! The "Sexiest Man Alive" was performing at the Pendleton Whisky Music Fest in Oregon on Saturday night and taking full advantage of the "whisky" part. Related: Miranda Lambert 'Hung Up' On Interviewe... more info

El Chisme - con Perez Hilton! Las Noticias de Hollywood - en Español!

2453 days ago
Perez Hilton¡Tratando algo diferente! Toda las noticias desde Hollywood - hoy en español. Espero que les guste. ¡Déjenme saber! Hoy hablamos sobre Ariana Grande, Cardi B, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj, Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian, Michael Jackson, Whitney Housto... more info

The Wife Of Miranda Lambert’s Boyfriend Claims He Ghosted Her Again 

2453 days ago
DlistedHomewrecking legend Miranda Lambert struck again earlier this year when she threw her iconic sledgehammer cooze at the married dick belonging to Evan Felcher (it’s Felker, but Felcher fits better in this case) whose band Turnpike Troubadours was t... more info

Ashley McBryde defies the naysayers, achieves country music fame

2454 days ago
Chicago Sun-Times, ILEven if her algebra teacher didn't believe in her, Miranda Lambert and Garth Brooks did after her song "Bible and a .44." more info

Miranda Lambert's Rumored BF's Wife Says Estranged Husband Came Back… Only To Ghost Her AGAIN!

2454 days ago
Perez HiltonThe drama continues! As we reported, Miranda Lambert has reportedly been linked to Turnpike Troubadours musician Evan Felker, who is currently going through a divorce with wife Staci. Related: Blake Shelton Says People Are "Way Off The Mark" About Hi... more info

Miranda Lambert Really Didn’t Want To Talk About Gwen Stefani

2460 days ago
DlistedIt’s been three years since Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton broke up, and about three years minus a bit since he got with Gwen Stefani. If I could ask Miranda Lambert a question, I might ask: “Do your boyfriends know what a wedding ring is?”... more info

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