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WEB/TECH: Replace Google Notebook and Move Your Data Elsewhere

5890 days ago
All About JazzThere are a multitude of way to store clipping of interesting things you find on the web - - bookmark services like Delicious, clippings tools like Evernote and more. But one popular place to store your notes and bookmarks is headed to the garbage bi... more info

Kylie Minogue - Minogues Lover To Move Closer

5891 days ago
ContactMusicKYLIE MINOGUE's relationship with Spanish male supermodel ANDRES VELENCOSO SEGURA is hotting up - the hunk is reported to be on the hunt for a London flat so he can be close ... more info

30 Rock Review: "Retreat to Move Forward" (Episode 309)

5894 days ago
Paste Magazine As a general rule, flashbacks on 30 Rock are nearly always hilarious. Case in point: the biggest laugh to be found in "Retreat to Move Forward" was the flashback to Liz and Jenna's improv comedy days when the audience would shout out Sling Blade and... more info

Pussycat Dolls Say 'Bottle Pop' Video Will Be 'Freaky Fun' For The Clubs

5894 days ago News'The Pussycat Dolls are all about busting out a move,' Nicole Scherzinger says.By Jocelyn Vena Photo: MTV News The Pussycat Dolls have made a career out of the lethal combination of barely there costumes, big hair and lots of makeup. And se... more info

Tom Covers Katie's Belly and Considers a Move to London

5895 days ago
PopSugar UKKatie Holmes and Tom Cruise walked the red carpet in London's Leicester Square last night for the UK premiere of Valkyrie. They were joined by lots of stars from both sides of the Atlantic, including Kelly Rowland, Dermot O'Leary and Dancing on Ice's... more info

Move over, movie vampires: Werewolf pack is back

5895 days ago
Vampires monopolized the monster kingdom last year. This year, it's time for these down-to-earth, less-pretentious supernatural ... more info

Pop Dee-Lite : My Dear Disco : Dancethink LP

5895 days ago
My Old KentuckyLet's face it. There isn't much in the form of good news coming out of Michigan these days. The Big Three are imploding; the state has the highest unemployment rate in the nation; and the Detroit Lions were the first team in NFL history to achieve... more info

Nate Wilson Group:

5896 days ago
JamBaseBy: Dennis Cook What a goddamn fantastic piece of rock 'n' roll. The Nate Wilson Group come on with the fiery mojo of Free, Move-era Jeff Lynne, early solo David Gilmour (with a few Meddle touches) and more modern kindred spirits like power pop c... more info

Milano Makes Legal Move Against Obsessed Fan

5896 days ago
TMZFiled under: Celebrity Justice Alyssa Milano has dropped her L.A. case against an obsessed fan who she claims has put her life in extreme danger -- but not to worry, she's fully protected.We've learned less than an hour ago, the court was notified ... more info

Courtney Love - Love Dreading New York Move

5897 days ago
ContactMusicCOURTNEY LOVE is terrified of making the move to New York City - because she has no idea where to live. The rocker is keen to leave Los Angeles, but has bad memories of ... more info

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