Prefix — Photo Gallery of Neko Case at Radio City in New York (September 26, 2013
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Topix — Any discussion of Neko Case usually revolves around the voice - and a remarkable instrument it is: smoky, agile, delicate, strong, rich, expressive. more info
So Much Silence — Jon Rauhouse is a master of all things stringed - from the pedal-steel guitar to the banjo to everything in between. Besides being a card-carrying member of Neko Case’s band, Rauhouse has offered his extensive talents to tours/recordings with Calex... more info
KEXP Seattle — Across the last few years, Neko Case has been more active on her Twitter feed than in the studio. That’s not a dig - Case remains a prolific and fascinating online personality - but nearly 43,000 tweets later, she (impressively) hasn’t revealed m... more info
Topix — Once merely a third of the New Pornographers' indie-rock-Avengers front line and a solo act with country-rock leanings, ginormous pipes and comedy-club-stage banter, Neko Case has grown into one of America's best and most ambitious singer-songwriters... more info
L.A. Times - Pop & Hiss — Singer-songwriter Neko Case's new album, 'The Worse Things Get...' is imaginative, beautiful and insightful.Leave it to Neko Case to pull off a cover of the other great pop-music Nico, and make her version of "Afraid" feel self-aware, witty and total... more info
LargeHeartedBoy — Neko Case's new album The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You is in stores tomorrow, yet another gem from one of our most talented singer-songwriters. The Julie Ruin's Run... more info