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Operator Please interview

5330 days ago
The Music FixWith their new album imminent, Operator Please discuss their new direction and how to deal with troublesome parrots. more info

Operator Please new single 'Back and Forth' out May 24th

5342 days ago
AltsoundsOperator Please are preparing for the international release of their sophomore album *'Gloves' *through Brille Records with the announcement that the first single, *'Back And Forth'* will be available on May 24th. As 20 year old Amandah Wilkinso... more info

The Golden Filter streaming widget

5344 days ago
Altsounds*The Golden Filter's* debut album, *VOLUSPA*, released Monday *26th April 2010* on UK Independent *Brille Records* (home of The Knife, Good Shoes, Lucus Renney and Operator Please.) '*Hide Me*', the first single from the album will be released *M... more info

Crush Band – Operator Please

5349 days ago
Allmusic BlogLately Australia has made a very strong claim to take over from France as the #1 hotspot for good time dance music, now they are making inroads on the new wave pop revival market too. Operator Please are a group of kids who won a high school battle o... more info

Operator Please got da moves

5351 days ago
The Music FixWe've got the video for Back and Forth right here, right now. more info

Try to contain your excitement everyone

5356 days ago
Pop JusticeThis video, for the v nice new Operator Please single 'Back And Forth', makes you wish the band had been aware that the cameras were actually rolling. From the look of things they thought it was just a quick run-through; think how much better it woul... more info


5382 days ago
!tashedWe honestly thought Like Woah! died, while they rose up as the inimitable Ted & Francis with tune after amazing tune. Their continued absence under the moniker Like Woah! exacerbated the situation. This weird notion we had was dispelled with an email... more info

Listen To This: It's A Jungle Out There!

5384 days ago
Perez HiltonIf you took a bit of Operator Please and mixed it with Fool's Gold, you'd have The Suzan. These girls are so adorable! And fun! Check out their lovely song Home (below). It will put a smile on your face! Then CLICK HERE to listen to more music from T... more info

Operator Please album out May 31st

5390 days ago
AltsoundsEveryone's favourite Australian baroque-pop ™ collective, Operator Please, burst onto the music scene in early 2007 with their addictive 'Song About Ping Pong', and their infectious debut album Yes Yes Vindictive. Aged only 16 they toure... more info

Operator Please dial in a date for new album

5390 days ago
The Music FixNews Flash: The gloves are offEveryone's favourite Australian baroque-pop collective, Operator Please, burst onto the music scene in early 2007 with their addictive 'Song About Ping Pong', and their infectious debut album Yes Yes Vindictive. Aged onl... more info

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30 days ago
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