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SNTV - Paris goes ring shopping

6001 days ago
The NewsroomWe spotted hotel heiress Paris Hilton ring shopping in West Hollywood. more info

Paris Hilton Premiers My BFF Single On Radio

6001 days ago
AngryApeIt's the first single from the socialite's second album more info

Paris Keeps the Party Going Long After Her Series Premiere

6001 days ago
PopSugarAfter a hard day of shopping, Paris Hilton slipped into her party dress and hosted a night at the movies in celebration of the premiere of Paris Hilton's My New BFF at LAX. Paris showed off what looks like a fresh spray tan and a new fringed hairsty... more info

Paris shows off her new best friend

6001 days ago
The NewsroomAmerica's celebutante, television personality, actress, singer, model and businesswoman, known to many as Paris Hilton, premieres her new show, 'I Want to be Paris' New Best Friend.' (Oct. 01) more info

New Paris Hilton Song Leaks

6001 days ago NewsGet the ear plugs at the ready because the heiress is releasing a single... more info

Kylie Minogue Inspires Paris Hilton's New Music

6001 days ago
StarpulseParis Hilton's new pop sound is inspired by Kylie Minogue. The socialite admits she's a big fan of the Aussie icon and wanted her second album to be a tribute to her musical heroine.[...] Read more! more info

Kylie Minogue Inspires Paris Hilton's New Music

6001 days ago
Paris Hilton's new pop sound is inspired by Kylie Minogue. The socialite admits she's a big fan of the Aussie icon and wanted her second album to be a tribute to her musical heroine.[...] Read more! more info

Paris: Do I Look Like a Klingon To You?

6001 days ago
TMZFiled under: Paris Hilton Sure, she acts like a total space cadet, but Paris Hilton's never actually been to the final frontier.Some crazy dude -- who claimed he was "completely sane" -- kept screaming at Paris for the digits of William Shatner, Ca... more info

Paris Shops Before Starting Her BFF Quest

6001 days ago
PopSugarParis Hilton treated herself to yet another day of shopping in LA yesterday, checking out the goods at Betsey Johnson. It was a busy day of press for Paris including chatting with Ryan Seacrest where she premiered her new song and talked about how lu... more info

Paris Hilton has a new single

6001 days ago
Monsters and CriticsParis Hilton has debuted her new single 'My BFF' (Best Friend Forever). more info

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