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Patti Smith on singing at Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize ceremony

2972 days ago
Uncut She asks, "Was I qualified for this task?" Patti Smith She asks, "Was I qualified for this task?" The post Patti Smith on singing at Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize ceremony appeared first on Uncut. more info

Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize Lecture Looks Likely For April

2974 days ago
StereogumBob Dylan did not show up to accept his Nobel Prize in Stockholm over the weekend, though he did submit a written acceptance speech and Patti Smith to perform as his proxy. Those were both nice gestures, but neither constitutes the lecture Dylan is e... more info

Patti Smith Performed For The Absent Bob Dylan At The Nobel Prize Acceptance Thingy

2975 days ago
DlistedBob Dylan didn’t show up in Stockholm, Sweden to collect his Nobel Prize in literature award. They weren’t exactly expecting his grizzled ass to show up. From all the bitchery that ensued after his win was announced, can you blame the crusty folk... more info

Patti Smith forgets words then delivers at Bob Dylan-less Nobel ceremony

2975 days ago
USA Today MusicBut the singer came through with 'A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall.'             more info

Patti Smith Forgets Bob Dylan Lyrics, Accepts His Nobel Prize (VIDEO)

2975 days ago
TMZYou gotta feel for rock legend Patti Smith -- she stepped up to accept Bob Dylan's Nobel Prize, but choked while singing his classic, "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall." Patti was in Stockholm for the ceremony Dylan refused to attend -- so good on her for…... more info

Patti Smith stands in for no-show Bob Dylan at Nobel ceremony

2976 days ago
CNN ShowbizBob Dylan was notably absent Saturday to accept his Nobel Prize for literature, but his words and music still rang out with a passionate performance by Patti Smith in his stead. more info

Read Bob Dylan’s Speech For The Nobel Prize Banquet

2976 days ago
StereogumBob Dylan received the Nobel Prize In Literature today, but because he was too busy being Bob Dylan, he didn’t actually attend the award ceremony in Stockholm. Patti Smith performed in his stead, but he did manage write a speech for the Nobel Banqu... more info

Patti Smith Covers Bob Dylan At Nobel Ceremony

2976 days ago
JamBaseWatch Patti Smith’s rendition of “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” at today’s Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden. more info

'Nervous' Patti Smith forgets Bob Dylan lyrics

2976 days ago
BBC News - UKPatti Smith forgets the words to Bob Dylan's song, A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, at his Nobel Literature Prize ceremony. more info

Patti Smith stands in for Bob Dylan, performs “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” at Nobel Prize gala — watch

2976 days ago
Consequence of SoundDylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. more info

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