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Rolling Stone's 50 Best Albums of 2018

2282 days ago
Brooklyn VeganIt's a Rolling Stone list, so it's got a weirdly high placement for the just-okay Paul McCartney album, but other than that, RS picked most of 2018's usual suspects... Continue reading… more info

Paul McCartney Dusts Off ‘Wonderful Christmastime’ With Youth Choir In Liverpool

2282 days ago
JamBasePaul McCartney recruited the LIPA Choir to back him on a rare live rendition of his holiday classic "Wonderful Christmastime" in Liverpool last night. more info

Greta Van Fleet plan new music in 2019, hope to jam with Paul McCartney if asked to perform at Grammys

2283 days ago
Consequence of SoundThe young Michigan rockers are eager to unleash new material, despite having recently released their debut album. more info

Television personalities: the best holiday period telly and radio

2284 days ago
Sweeping The NationIt's STN's fourth grandest annual tradition - the music-related programming between this Saturday and the first Friday of space year 2019. And this year we're not going to just list every last Sky Arts repeat and chat show performance, th... more info

Slow Dancer – “Wonderful Christmastime” (Paul McCartney Cover)

2284 days ago
StereogumA lot of people seem to hate "Wonderful Christmastime," but I don't understand that at all. If you have any room in your heart for festive quirkiness, Paul McCartney's '80s-predicting holiday classic would seem to be an ideal soundtrack for the seaso... more info

tours announced: Paul McCartney, Brit Floyd, Mike Doughty, Stella Donnelly, more

2289 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPlus: Antibalas, Harlem, SYML, Let's Eat Grandma, Lankum, Mike Doughty playing Soul Coughing's 'Ruby Vroom,' Marie Davidson, and more tour news. Continue reading… more info

Paul McCartney announces new stadium shows in San Diego, Los Angeles, Green Bay and Arlington, Texas

2290 days ago
L.A. Times - Pop & HissPaul McCartney has added four new stadium concerts to the U.S. leg of his 2019 “Freshen Up” tour, including at San Diego’s Petco Park on June 22 and Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on July 13. The other two new dates are June 8 at La... more info

Paul McCartney announces new stadium shows in San Diego, Los Angeles, Green Bay and Arlington, Texas

2290 days ago
L.A. Times - EntertainmentPaul McCartney has added four new stadium concerts to the U.S. leg of his 2019 “Freshen Up” tour, including at San Diego’s Petco Park on June 22 and Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on July 13. The other two new dates are June 8 at La... more info

Paul McCartney announces 2019 North and South American tour dates

2290 days ago
Consequence of SoundMacca expands his "Freshen Up Tour" with shows throughout 2019. more info

Paul McCartney Confirms South American 2019 Tour

2291 days ago
JamBaseLegendary rocker Paul McCartney will begin 2019 with a South American Tour. more info

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