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Paula Abdul Considering 'So You Think You Can Dance'

5695 days ago
StarpulsePaula Abdul is set to swap singing for dancing - the former American Idol judge is eyeing a role on rival reality TV show So You Think You Can Dance, because choreography is her first love.[...] Read more! more info

American Idol's Blake Lewis (Part I)

5695 days ago
The NewsroomAmerican Idol's Blake Lewis stops by to talk about Paula Abdul leaving Idol and his new album, to be released this fall. more info

Are You Excited to See Victoria Beckham on American Idol?

5695 days ago
PopSugarVictoria Beckham arrived at LAX yesterday amid news that she's set to make an appearance as a guest judge during the next season of American Idol. With Paula Abdul leaving the show, Posh is adding the cameo to her list of special roles - including... more info

'American Idol' Not Paying Ryan Seacrest $15 Million A Year

5695 days ago NewsHost's new deal refers to CKX projects not related to show.By Jocelyn Vena Ryan Seacrest Photo: Kevin Winter/ Getty Images While people wonder just how much it would have cost "American Idol" to keep Paula Abdul as a judge following her de... more info

Paula Abdul Has Received 'Many Wonderful' Post-'American Idol' Offers

5695 days ago
VH1 NewsPaula Abdul spoke about the "many wonderful things" that have been offered to her since announcing her departure from "American Idol" and said she wouldn't rule out appearing on "So You Think You Can Dance." more info

Paula Abdul Has Received 'Many Wonderful' Post-'American Idol' Offers

5695 days ago NewsDeparting judge says she hasn't ruled out a role on 'So You Think You Can Dance.'By Jocelyn Vena Paula Abdul Photo: Jeffrey Ufberg/ WireImage Since news broke earlier this week that Paula Abdul would not be returning to "American Idol" as ... more info

The Offers Are Pouring In For Paula Abdul

5695 days ago
StarpulseNEW YORK (AP) — Since announcing her exit from "American Idol," Paula Abdul has been in high demand.[...] Read more! more info

Victoria Beckham Looks First Class At LAX

5695 days ago
PopSugar UKVictoria Beckham was looking incredibly dressed up at LAX yesterday in teeteringly high platform stiletto heels and a studded dress. She's rumoured to be filming her appearance as a guest judge on American Idol very soon, and it's also been announced... more info

Paula Abdul Will Still Be On Television

5695 days ago
Perez HiltonAll right, so Paula Abdul is really gone from American Idol. But while she may have bid adieu to Idol, Abdul will still be on television with her second guest appearance on Lifetime's Drop Dead Diva. She's got to pay her bills! [Image via WENN.] more info

This Is A Post About Constantine Maroulis Getting His Ass Beat

5695 days ago
DlistedLook at that precious mound of melted down ass dildos called a face. Don't you just want to make a fist, kiss it for luck and then punch it? Well, some lucky asshole beat you to it! Okay, I shouldn't be so hard on Constantine Mouralis, beca... more info

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