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Blisters and Blindness

5339 days ago
Said the GramophoneGenesis - "Aisle of Plenty" When Peter Gabriel's Genesis warns of proliferating poisonous plant-life, it behooves you to listen. Their song "Return of the Giant Hogweed" is a disquietingly prescient example: the titular tree-like weed, which resemble... more info

sunday evening updates

5349 days ago
Totally Fuzzyjeffen said... One more stellar set of long-lost mod-punk-power-pop-new-wave ravers V.A. Powerpearls (1979-1982) Volume Three: * Bank Holiday Weekend (Seventeen, UK, 1979, from only 7") * Make The Rules (Orbits, USA, 1980, from only 7") * Crazy Today... more info

Sting - Sting Crow And Gabriel Using Music To Get Yoga Into Schools

5352 days ago
ContactMusicSTING, SHERYL CROW and PETER GABRIEL have contributed to a new CD aimed at raising funds for providing yoga programmes for schoolkids.Yoga Revolution also features yoga... more info

thursday afternoon updates

5352 days ago
Totally FuzzyTime Bandit said... From C-60 in the mid-week: Doll by Doll "Remember" (1979) Doll by Doll "Gypsy Blood" (1979) Grant Peeples "Down Here in the County" (2007) Tift Merritt "Bramble Rose" (2002) Joao Kartoshka said...... more info

tuesday midday updates

5354 days ago
Totally FuzzyGumshoe said... The Walkmen - "Stranded" MP3/download ... Bands like The Walkmen reward every second spent digging for the latest; hell, the trumpets alone are worth it. Read a review of "Stranded" ... PLUS+++ +++PLUS a review of Storm & Stress' "Mor... more info

thursday evening updates

5359 days ago
Totally FuzzyMr. Jones said... Yet another tropical weather system threatens to dump more rain on the 30 Days Out ranch, so what do we do? We prepare our survival kit of tasty hurricane/storm/rain songs! Who cares if it's raining, we have Bob Dylan, Nils Lofgren,... more info

Peter Gabriel, Billy Bragg and Mike Mills Lend Their Voices

5359 days ago
TwangvilleDoes anyone remember the childhood game “Telephone?” A group of people pass a whisper from person to person and see how the whisper changes as it moves through the group. The Voice Project is like a musical version, but better. One musician cover... more info

Country of Miracles displays another aspect of Downie's genius

5363 days ago
Buffalo News, New YorkAs frontman with the Tragically Hip, Gord Downie is part performance artist, part poet and part rocker. Fronting that band, his closest kin is most likely post-Genesis Peter Gabriel. The Hip's music is simpler than Gabriel's, but Downie's performance... more info

PERFORMANCE/TOUR: Manu Katche Balletic Drumming, Playful and Precise

5364 days ago
All About JazzManu KatchA(C) is a drummer of watchful effervescence, attuned to the tiniest particulars of rhythm and timbre but intent on a feeling of unthinking ease. His playing suggests precision without premeditation, which is one reason for his success along... more info

Readers recommend: songs about hats

5366 days ago
Guardian MusicLast week we wanted your villainous tunes, this week it's songs about headwear. After all, hat's entertainmentThings I have learned about villains: 1/ They like to murder, sometimes to the exclusion of all other crimes 2/ They often do their murderin... more info

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