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Q-Tip - Renaissance Rap remix (feat. Busta Rhymes, Raekwon and Lil Wayne)

5845 days ago
Nialler9Q-Tip proved last week there are some tangible benefits to following musicians on Twitter as he debuted this ‘Renaissance Rap’ remix tune through it. In the tradition of ‘Scenario’ it features a multitude of rap stars delivering their own rhy... more info

BLACKMORE'S NIGHT Song Featured In 'Yes Man' Motion Picture

5846 days ago
Roadrunner - BlabbermouthRenaissance rock act BLACKMORE'S NIGHT, featuring legendary guitarist Ritchie Blackmore and singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Candice Night, can now be heard in Warner Bros. more info

Music Review | 'Time Regained': Renaissance and Medieval Hues in a Modernist Work

5851 days ago
New York TimesIt is indeed possible to hear “Time Regained,” Charles Wuorinen’s new fantasy for piano and orchestra, as an immense edifice of memory. more info

John Legend, Lindsay Lohan Rock Declare Yourself's Inaugural Ball

5858 days ago NewsMaroon 5, Jamie Foxx, Jessica Alba also appear at event.By King Anyi Howell John Legend at Declare Yourself's inaugural ball on Sunday Photo: Dan Gorder/ Getty Images WASHINGTON, D.C. — Even though the carpet wasn't red at Declare Yourse... more info

Maroon 5 Shows No Mercy in D.C.

5858 days ago
TMZFiled under: Wacky & Weird, Barack Obama Adam Levine doesn't suffer fools well -- as in our tone deaf papper who serenaded him outside the Renaissance in D.C. last night. See Also Adam Levine Maroons Friend in Hollywood... Permalink more info

Everyone Sings for Obama

5860 days ago
TMZFiled under: American Idol, Barack Obama Former stripper David Hernandez can now say it -- "Yes I Can!"We found out the "American Idol" wannabe will be performing in the Grand Ballroom at the Renaissance Washington Hotel for the inauguration kickof... more info

Michael Azerrad to help pen Bob Mould's autobiography

5865 days ago
Paste MagazineFew capture the essence of the essence of the Renaissance man as well as Hüsker Dü frontman-turned-soloist-turned-professional wrestler-turned nightclub owner Bob Mould. Chronicling a life story like that ain't chump change, so it's a good thin... more info

Russell Simmons - Not a Renaissance Man

5869 days ago
TMZFiled under: Barack Obama Don't lick hip hop kingpin Russell Simmons -- 'cause he's not a sucker. Our spies at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel tell us Simmons' assistant called recently to inquire about thePresidential Suites and packages. The guy ... more info

Palladio: the father of Renaissance architecture

5872 days ago
The TelegraphA major exhibition at the Royal Academy celebrates the Venetian architect Andrea Palladio this Spring. He is deemed the most influential of Renaissance architects but his reliance on Roman heritage may have been misguided. more info


5872 days ago
Soul SidesThe year 2008 found me actually buying less music than in years past, although I'm sure my wife would disagree. While 2K8 wasn't a stellar year for me musically speaking, it did have some standout moments, with some coming unexpectedly.For instance,... more info

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