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Bay slams promo on robot movie

5734 days ago
BBC News - UKTransformers: Revenge of the Fallen director Michael Bay criticises the marketing efforts of Paramount Pictures, reports say. more info

EW Picks: 'Jon & Kate,' 'Transformers'

5735 days ago
CNN ShowbizEarlier this year, Michael Bay told EW about the day that "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" (opening on Wednesday) nearly fell apart. It was Sunday, July 27, 2008. more info

Director Michael Bay Quits Transformers!!!!

5737 days ago
Perez HiltonMichael Bay is done with making big blockbusters!!!! For now. "After the three and a half years I've spent making these movies, I feel like I've had enough of the Transformers world," says the Revenge of the Fallen director. "I need to do something t... more info

'Transformers' Stars Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox On Their Favorite Robots

5738 days ago
VH1 NewsWe talked to the stars of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" about their favorite robots in the film. "Some of the coolest action sequences and set pieces I've ever seen in a movie is with Devastator," Megan Fox said. more info


5738 days ago
Battery In your LegHaving just completed several shows with fellow LA residents She Wants Revenge (interesting pairing, eh?), Great Northern are heading across the pond to headline several shows in July. And since they just had a song featured in Grey’s Anatomy, I’... more info

Film review: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

5738 days ago

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

5738 days ago
Express NewspapersIN THE glory days of the Hollywood studio system producers lived by the credo: "Make it big. Do it right. And give it class." more info

Style defeats substance in robotic thriller

5738 days ago
Express NewspapersTransformers: Revenge Of The Fallen, (Cert 12A; 149mins) more info

Heroic 'Transformers' sequel is a toy story, too

5738 days ago
NewsdayThe bigger the boys, the bigger the toys. And now with "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" - the sequel to the 2007 hit based on the venerable Hasbro toys - opening Wednesday with more and even bigger robots, well, brace yourselves: The boys are ba... more info

The machines rise again in tedious "Fallen"

5738 days ago
ReutersLONDON (Hollywood Reporter) - Designed to give devoted fans of the 2007 "Transformers," which grossed more than $700 million worldwide, more of the same, Michael Bay's sequel "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" is a nonstop whirl of flying, battlin... more info

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