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Preview: ACLU Benefit at Saint Vitus (Feat. The Drums, Polica and It Will)

3013 days ago
We All Want Someone To Shout ForOn December 8, The Drums, a duo version of Polica (featuring Channy and Ryan from the band) and It Will (Ian Williams from Battles) will come together for a benefit show at Saint Vitus. All proceeds from the show will benefit the ACLU. Not only will ... more info

Tombs playing shows, including Saint Vitus

3022 days ago
Brooklyn VeganThe great Brooklyn metal band Tombs are currently on a run of tour dates in the midwest with Wolvhammer. While that tour doesn't come through the northeast, Tombs have just announced a hometown show... Continue reading… more info

Yob sold out Saint Vitus, add 2nd show

3026 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPortland doom masters Yob recently announced some tour dates, including a NYC show at Saint Vitus. It already sold out, so they added a second... Continue reading… more info

win tickets to Girls Against Boys & SAVAK at Saint Vitus! (BV Presents)

3041 days ago
Brooklyn VeganWe hope to see you at Saint Vitus! Continue reading… more info

Fight Amp discuss their 12 favorite venues they've played in 12 years

3043 days ago
Brooklyn VeganThe list includes Brooklyn's Saint Vitus and "literally any West Philly basement." Continue reading… more info

Atomic Bitchwax, Worshipper playing Tee Pee records party at Saint Vitus

3049 days ago
Brooklyn VeganStoner/psych-oriented label Tee Pee records are throwing a winter party with a cool bill for stoner metalheads this December... Continue reading… more info

DAMAD playing Saint Vitus in January, their first NYC show in 17 years

3056 days ago
Brooklyn VeganWe mentioned back in June that DAMAD, the pre-Kylesa project of Phillip Cope, were going to be back in action this year following the news that Kylesa were going on hiatus. Phillip recently talked to CLRVYNT about the reunion: For me, it's got t... more info

Jucifer touring again, including Saint Vitus

3057 days ago
Brooklyn VeganLong-running doom/death/everything really duo Jucifer are heading out on a typically lengthy tour at the end of 2016. These two are on tour all the time (literally), living a nomadic lifestyle out of their van and playing as many shows as humanly pos... more info

Colin Stetson, Greg Fox, Shahzad Ismaily & Toby Summerfield formed metal band Ex Eye, playing Saint Vitus

3062 days ago
Brooklyn VeganCheck out the heaviest group yet to be associated with saxophonist Colin Stetson. Continue reading… more info

SAVAK playing Union Pool before European tour, opening for GvsB at Saint Vitus after

3067 days ago
Brooklyn VeganSAVAK are gearing up for their first European tour which they'll start next week in Berlin. Before they leave, they'll warm up for the tour with a Brooklyn show... Continue reading… more info

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