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What's going on Saturday? (Rocketship, WFMU Record Fair, Bushwick Open Studios, APTBS, Blood of Heroes & more)

3930 days ago
Brooklyn VeganYou can browse our full NYC show calendar for all of tonight's shows, but here are some highlights... Silent Killer, Blood of Heroes, SHVLFCE, Invertia, Katmai at Saint Vitus This showcase presented by OHM Resistance will feature continuous music... more info

watch a clip of St. Vincent playing "Lithium" with the surviving members of Nirvana at the Rock Hall ceremony (video)

3932 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphoto by Kevin Mazur As you probably heard by now, the surviving members of Nirvana performed at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony and then at Saint Vitus after with a number of guests including St. Vincent,... more info

Ohm Resistance show lineup includes Blood of Heroes w/ Bill Laswell (who played in Bladerunner, plays Prospect Park w/ Flea, Patti Smith, Bruce Hornsby & more)

3933 days ago
Brooklyn Veganwords by Ian Chainey, photos by Greg Cristman Bill Laswell performing with Bladerunner The Ohm Resistance Label Showcase to be held at Brooklyn club Saint Vitus on May 31 has taken shape and it's just as wild as you'd expect... more info

Hooded Menace didn't show up to their show last night, but Cripple Bastards did (HM tour now starts in Philly)

3939 days ago
Brooklyn VeganCripple Bastards @ Saint Vitus (5/21/2014) (via jakexgordon) Those who showed up to Saint Vitus in Brooklyn last night (5/21) expecting to see Hooded Menance were disappointed to find out after getting there, that the Finnish metal band never showed.... more info

Perfect Pussy expand tour, playing VH1 Northside show before Pitchfork's show (updated dates)

3940 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPerfect Pussy at SXSW 2014 (more by Amanda Hatfield) The road-hungry Perfect Pussy are already set to bring their seemingly endless tour back to NYC for a Pitchfork Northside show on Friday, June 13 at Saint Vitus with Hop Along,... more info

United Nations (Thursday's Geoff Rickly & others) releasing a new LP, 'The Next Four Years' on Temporary Residence

3940 days ago
Brooklyn VeganUnited Nations at Saint Vitus in 2013 (more by Caroline Harrison) United Nations, the "emo powerviolence" band of Thursday's Geoff Rickly which also includes/included members of Converge, Glassjaw and Pianos Become the Teeth, have signed with Tempora... more info

Power Trip touring w/ Mammoth Grinder (2 NYC shows)

3940 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPower Trip at Saint Vitus in January (more by Caroline Harrison) Dallas thrashers Power Trip, who were just in NYC this past weekend for Black N' Blue Bowl and have other upcoming festival appearances including This Is Hardcore, Sled Island,... more info

Eyehategod & Enabler streaming new albums, kicking off tour with Ringworm soon

3941 days ago
Brooklyn VeganBy Ian Chainey Eyehategod at Saint Vitus, 2013 (more by Caroline Harrison) Future tour mates Eyehategod and Enabler are currently streaming their new albums in full. Both bands -- along with the raging Ringworm who beat both to the full... more info

Funeral Sutra streaming 'Meditations' EP (listen); Coffins' tour hits IO-presented Saint Vitus show tonight

3941 days ago
Brooklyn Veganby Wyatt Marshall Japan's Funeral Sutra play a slightly lo-fi blend of black metal and post-hardcore, bringing the two together in a powerful guitar-forward style. A lot of bands take a similar approach, but Funeral Sutra is decidedly fresh. The... more info

Young Widows, Helms Alee & Highness @ Saint Vitus (pics)

3941 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by Ebru Yildiz Young Widows / Helms Alee / Highness Louisville noise rockers Young Widows brought their tour in support of their goth/post-punk-oriented new album Easy Pain back to Saint Vitus, where they played it in full ahead of... more info

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