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Former X Factor stars Same Difference make surprise TV appearance

3133 days ago
The Daily MailThe musical duo, siblings Sean and Sarah Smith, haven't aged a day since their X Factor stint nine years ago and still boast the same, ultra upbeat personalities. more info

JLS: Who needs Simon Cowell?

4902 days ago
Guardian MusicWhen life is a happy blur of nightclubs, sports cars, girls and sellout shows, you know you're in the company of JLS, the band that shrugged off losing The X-Factor. Megan Conner dips into the fast and furious world of Britain's hottest boy bandLS ar... more info

That new Lady Gaga song: throbbing and scary

5185 days ago
Pop JusticeHere is the 'Born This Way' album track Lady Gaga debuted at yesterday's Mugler show. As we mentioned the other day in relation to Same Difference it's important that music is fun to walk around to so it's good that this tune's walkability has been e... more info

Worth a listen: songs from the Same Difference album

5193 days ago
Pop JusticeAn album we have been 'spinning' rather a lot over the last week or so is Same Difference's 'The Rest Is History'. We have found 'The Rest Is History' to be the ideal accompaniment to wandering around London. In times gone by people used to listen t... more info

It's the new Katy B video.

5269 days ago
Pop JusticeWe have been rather enjoying Katy B's involvement with the Top 40 over the last few months and her new single, 'Lights On', is a bit of a cracker. It's out on December 13 so stands a chance of being this year's Christmas Number One, or it would do i... more info

Single Review: Same Difference - 'Shine On Forever (Photo Frame)'

5325 days ago
Unreality Music Okay, so imagine you're a bit down in the dumps, not than kind where your all emo-like with a knife to your wrist for no reason at all, but the kind where you accidentally twisted an ankle an... more info

Notes on Same Difference's 'Shine On Forever (Photo Frame)'

5328 days ago
Pop Justice» 'Shine On Forever (Photo Frame)' is the new Same Difference single and it is out this week. » Same Difference, you may recall, were responsible for one of the most demented X Factor performances of all time ( more info

X Factor finalist Sarah Smith burgled

5340 days ago
The MirrorPoor X Factor finalist Sarah Smith, half of double act Same Difference, has been through a terrifying burglary ordeal. The singer, 24, woken by a crash in her Portsmouth home at the weekend was held hostage in her bedroom as a knife-wielding intruder... more info

POOR X Factor finalist [...]

5340 days ago
The Mirrorvideo POOR X Factor finalist Sarah Smith, half of double act Same Difference, has been through a terrifying burglary ordeal. The singer, 24, woken by a crash in her Portsmouth home at the weekend was held hostage in her bedroom as a knife-wielding in... more info

The top bit of a photograph featuring Sean from Same Difference

5349 days ago
Pop JusticeThis morning we received images of Sean from Same Difference. They are photographs promoting the snappily titled 'CHECKUM The Famousmales Testicular Cancer Awareness Campaign in Association with Macmillan Cancer Support'. We cannot print the whole ... more info

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