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Sarah McLachlan to launch national tour this summer

4044 days ago
USA Today MusicSinger/songwriter also unveils art for new album, 'Shine On,' due May 6 more info

An Incredibly Moving Video Tribute To Everyone Who Died On Breaking Bad

4197 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneAs you are on the Internet right this second, then you must already know that Breaking Bad ended on Sunday. Alas, now is the time we remember all the TV deaths that Vince Gilligan's brainchild brought upon the television landscape. Take a trip down... more info

Oh, It's Just Tom Hardy And A Puppy In A Sweater

4400 days ago
DlistedI don't have ovaries (although, I did listen to two Sarah McLachlan albums in a row this weekend, so there's good chance I have some now), but if I did they would've melted and dripped out of my ass as soon as I laid my eyes on these p... more info

Flavours of the month 09/10 2012: Daughter / Peace / King Krule / Ink / Olympic Swimmers / Boy

4500 days ago
From Mato, From LondonDaughter (UK) Baladas modernas dramáticas y dolorosas. Música para la espina dorsal, tocada en una habitación oscura donde entra un rayo de luz, sólo uno. Instrumentaciones anémicas y preciosas letras sobre pechos partidos por el desamor. Para f... more info

King Kong stage show to feature music by Elbow and Massive Attack

4554 days ago
Guardian MusicThe soundtrack is being assembled for a new big-budget production featuring a one-tonne animatronic gorillaThe next version of King Kong will feature music by Elbow's Guy Garvey, Massive Attack's Robert Del Naja, the Avalanches and Sarah McLachlan. A... more info

Bridge School Benefit 2012: line-up announcement

4582 days ago
Here Comes The Flood The line-up for the 25th Annual Bridge School Benefit Concerts has been announced. The Bridge School Benefit is an annual non-profit charity concert held the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, CA. Organized by Neil Young and his wife, Pegi, ... more info

411 Music Top Five 08.07.12: The Top 8 Beatles Covers

4617 days ago
411 ManiaFrom U2's "Helter Skelter" and Al Green's "I Want to Hold Your Hand" to Sarah McLachlan's "Blackbird" and more, 411's Jeremy Thomas ranks his all-time top 5 covers of Beatles songs! more info

Live Review: Sarah McLachlan in T.O.

4662 days ago
Jam! Showbiz Music, CanadaTalk about orchestral manoeuvres in the dark. more info

Miracle Whip Smartly Mocks Celebrity PSAs In ‘Keep An Open Mouth’ Campaign

4665 days ago
Big Apple Music SceneWe've all been there: That ultra-depressing ASPCA commercial comes on with Sarah McLachlan crooning over sad-eyed puppies, and all you can think about is adopting every single one before they get put down. Well, Miracle Whip has tapped into our n... more info

Sharon Stone Is A Filipino-Hating Nightmare Monster, So Says Her Former Filipino Nanny

4692 days ago
DlistedSharon Stone's heart is made of dehydrated Dalmatian puppy meat and she once skinned a Fraggle alive with her bare teeth in front of its family (exhibit: A), so I'm close to checking the "I Believe it!" box under The Los Angeles Times'... more info

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