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Saves The Day Demoing for New Album

4562 days ago*Saves The Day (* reveals in an interview ( with Reading Festival that they are demoing songs for a new record. What else a... more info

Clubs picks of the week

4587 days ago
Guardian MusicSecretsundaze, LondonIt may not have escaped your attention that there's some kind of pageant taking place on the Thames on Sunday. But if waving a plastic union flag towards an unelected head of state isn't really your thing, there's an alternative ... more info

Music festivals guide 2012: new bands

4594 days ago
Guardian MusicWe pick the festival first-timers poised to deliver some of this summer's essential alfresco setsThis feature sponsored by Bands in Transit and brought to you by FordMICHAEL KIWANUKABBC Sound Of 2012 poll-winner Michael Kiwanuka's soothing acoustic r... more info

Saves the Day UK Tour Dates

4608 days ago*Saves The Day* ( have added ( some UK Tour Dates for August. They're in the replies. Submitted by hectorial85 more info

PEOPLE Review: The Avengers Saves the Day!

4615 days ago
People.comThese heroes inspire us (the special effects are pretty cool, too) more info

Saves The Day Will Play Reading and Leeds

4632 days ago*Saves The Day* ( will be playing the Reading and Leeds festival in the United Kingdom this year. more info

Saves the Day Save the Date

4638 days ago*Saves the Day* (;encoding=jpg;size=300;fallback=defaultImage) ... save the date ( Genius. I wish... more info

Saves The Day Nervous Energies Session [Video]

4696 days ago
Chorus.fmYou can head to the replies to watch *Saves The Day (*'s Nervous Energies ( session. more info

Backstage Sessions: Saves the Day

4708 days ago
Chorus.fmI recently caught up with *Saves the Day* ( frontman Chris Conley at solo show in Pawtucket, RI before the Where's the Band Tour, and he took the time to participate in our Backstage Sessions (http://www.absol... more info

Rooney Mara Saves The Day! Soderbergh's Pill-Poppin' Movie Gets Financing Again!!

4709 days ago
Perez HiltonIt was pretty embarrassing when Steven Soderbergh's film lost financing as soon as Annapurna found out Blake Lively could be the star. So Rooney Mara was cast instead to play Channing Tatum's husband and now just a day after hearing that news, finan... more info

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