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Song Recommendations: May 14 - 20 2012

4677 days ago
betterPropoganda Posted at 1:30pm, 5/21/2012 Every week we bring you the best cutting edge music from around the web. Our newest batch of uploads are ready for your listening pleasure. You can download the following mp3s individually OR play them all in a row. Cli... more info

Six Organs of Admittance tour dates, 2nd NYC show, video

5001 days ago
Brooklyn VeganSix Organs at Europa in 2009 (more by Chloe Rice) As previously mentioned, Six Organs of Admittance play a show on August 12 at Mercury Lounge. Tickets are still on sale. Six Organs have since added more dates, including another... more info

thursday morning updates

5296 days ago
Totally Fuzzymanofmusic said... The rare minimal synth J.P. VIDEO single (1983) just posted to: Robert said... DIO - 1983-07-23 - Antioch, CA. "DIO The First Show". Kate Bush - 1979-04-29 - Amsterdam, Holland. "Wow" thanks fuzz... more info

Rangda = Ben Chasny+Sir Richard Bishop+Chris Corsano, played Brooklyn, playing Manhattan & other dates w/ Major Stars

5308 days ago
Brooklyn VeganRangda kicked off a tour with their labelmates Major Stars at Brooklyn's Knitting Factory last night (8/28). The Drag City supergroup consists of Ben Chasny of Six Organs of Admittance, Sir Richard Bishop of Sun City Girls and Chris... more info

Dan Deacon to Shoot Crazy Art Film

5403 days ago
PitchforkPhoto by Joseph Mohan The Incubate Festival comes to the Dutch city of Tilburg September 12-19, and one of the participating artists, Dan Deacon, is doing more than just playing a show. Working with his frequent collaborator, video artist Jimmy J... more info

News in Brief: PDX Pop Now!, Six Organs of Admittance, Tender Trap, Joshua Light Show

5417 days ago
Pitchfork-- A ton of Portland bands are contributing music to the PDX Pop Now! Festival's new benefit compilation. The double-disc comp features music from Menomena, Blitzen Trapper, Hockey, Laura Veirs, Nice Nice, and many others. There will be an all-ages r... more info

Jack Rose Gets Massive Tribute Album

5436 days ago
PitchforkPhoto by A. Evans In the experimental music underground, Philadelphia guitarist Jack Rose was a beloved figure. Last December, Rose died of a heart attack at the age of 38. Now, a group of his peers have teamed up to release a massive tribute album i... more info

In Brief: Buffetlibre, Rangda, Spencer/ Martinez/Solex, Nuits Sonores

5438 days ago
Pitchfork-- The Barcelona DJ duo Buffetlibre have launched a new project called PEACE, an mp3 compilation featuring 180 exclusive songs by artists from around the world benefiting Amnesty International. The list of contributing artists includes Dan Deacon, Mo... more info

Silk Flowers Plot European Tour

5621 days ago
Pitchfork - Tours11-05 London, England - The Luminaire # 11-06 Nottingham, England - Chameleon11-07 Dublin, Ireland - The Joinery Gallery11-08 Belfast, Northern Ireland - The Menagerie11-10 Berlin, Germany - Festsaal Kreuzberg ^ 11-11 Copenhagen, Denmark - Lades11-12... more info

Om, Naam, Lichens & Six Organs of Admittance @ Europa in Brooklyn - pics, video, live recording ++ (*Bowery tonight*)

5627 days ago
Brooklyn Veganwords by BBG, photos by Chloe Rice On the enternal quest towards enlightenment, Om played Europa on 10/11 as part of a four band bill that included Ben Chasny solo project Six Organs of Admittance, Lichens, and Naam. Though Om... more info

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