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The Triumphant Return Of Heidi Montag

4528 days ago
DlistedI know you can't resist the urge, so I'll wait here as you throw a sugar cub at the screen. One time when I went horseback riding in Ensenada, Mexico, one of the tourists riding next to me said something super cheesy like, "A horse is an a... more info

The Xmas factor: what's the best Christmas song ever?

4835 days ago
Guardian MusicShane and Kirsty, Justin and Mariah, Benton the dog – they've all tried to capture the spirit of Christmas. But who does it best? Jude Rogers finds out with our panel of judgesLast month the Reverend Dr Giles Fraser resigned from St Paul's Cathedr... more info

Mimikins Called Jenny

4874 days ago
DlistedMimi's body was invaded by twin unicornlings and enough water to keep a synchronized swimming troupe of whales going for years, and it has finally returned to her as you can see from this week's cover of UsWeekly brought to you by the Adobe... more info

New band of the day – No 1,104: This Many Boyfriends

4931 days ago
Guardian MusicThis Leeds band play the sort of indie you'd expect from a group named after a Beat Happening song. But don't call them twee…Hometown: Leeds.The lineup: Richard (lead vocals), Tom (bass), Laura (drums), Dan (lead guitar), Pete (rhythm guitar, backi... more info

Readers recommend: songs about birthdays – results

5034 days ago
Guardian MusicIt's your party and you can cry if you want to, but here are your favourite songs about that most bittersweet of celebrationsBirthdays are supposed to be happy occasions. Presents, parties, surprises and treats. But they're also a stark reminder of t... more info


5065 days ago
The Vinyl VillainFrom Sunset Over Slawit:Songs don’t often make me cry.It’s not that I’m a hard bastard or anything – I regularly cry at movies, TV shows, books… even comics… but much as I love music, it rarely moves me to tears. I always feel slightly en... more info

Stripper Says Dr. Murray Wanted Sleep As MJ Died

5079 days ago
TMZFiled under: Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson, Celebrity Justice A stripper who received a call from Dr. Conrad Murray just hours before Michael Jackson died told LAPD detectives the doc "sounded tired and he was ... more info

The Whiskey Syndicate + Mantis Defeats Jaguar + Spearmint 6 @ The Slade Rooms

5122 days ago
Altsounds**After a lot of jamming and whiskey drinking in the summer of 2003, TWS were born! Blending classic 70's rock and punk, metal and a little bit of tennessee magic the band have come up with a stripped down hard rock sound that can be enjoyed on it's ... more info

2 Rialto officers quit, 4 punished in sex scandal

5229 days ago
L.A. Times - NewsDepartment takes action after waitress reveals officers had sex with Spearmint Rhino strip club workers at police union hall.Two Rialto police officers have quit and four others have been severely disciplined after an internal investigation was compl... more info

And Then There Was d'Manti!!!!!

5236 days ago
DlistedThe red green carpet at The Latin Grammy Awards is always a field covered with delicate flowers whose petals are touched with the finest crystals found in a Michael's sale bin and they did not disappoint this year. Mostly that's because d&#... more info

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