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fire in a bottle - mashup!

5773 days ago
Pop Bytes † FROM DJ PAUL V. A few months ago, we featured a great Kings Of Leon mashup, and seeing as how the boys just played a spectacular show here in LA, they need even more love! And wow, this mashup is seriously the kind of track that gets th... more info

tuesday afternoon updates continued

5775 days ago
Totally Fuzzyurge2burge said...Steps Ahead : Perugia, Italy 13.7.1984http://urge2burge.wordpress.comjazzlover said...Collin Walcott - Cloud Dance (1975)http://jazzarchives.blogspot.comThanks Fuzzy Crew!treblekickr said...Luna - LunaparkTom Waits - Franks Wild Yea... more info

Mr Hudson On Working With Jay-Z: 'I'm Pinching Myself'

5776 days ago News'To be honest, it just does not sink in,' the British singer says of being signed by Kanye West and collaborating with Jay-Z.By Steven Roberts Mr Hudson and Kanye West Photo: MTV News When Kanye West anointed English singer/songwriter Mr H... more info

Sting - Stings Daughter Bounces Back After Fracturing Skull

5777 days ago
ContactMusicSTING's teenage daughter COCO is back at home in London after fracturing her skull in Los Angeles.Coco Sumner, 18, collapsed at an L.A. restaurant last month (Apr09) and... more info

Sting's Wife Gives Up The Green

5782 days ago
Perez HiltonSting's wife, Trudie Styler, is receiving her fair share of flack for the size of her carbon footprint! Seems the environmentally aware Styler flew her glam squad on a private jet from New York to Washington D.C. to beautify her for last weekend's Wh... more info

The Police set for more reunion shows?

5783 days ago
NMEStewart Copeland admits he would tour with Sting again more info

Only Flat Stanley Belongs

5784 days ago
DlistedThe White House Correspondents' Dinner was last night in DC and it looked like they put the invite on Facebook, because hos who had no business being there showed up to clink flutes with the President. By the looks of who showed up, this looks m... more info

Celebs On Sunday: Hugh Jackman: ‘I want people to think I could rip their head off…’

5785 days ago
The MirrorThe hunky Aussie actor, 40, on getting into his sexiest shape ever for latest film Wolverine (we second that), almost killing his brother when he was younger, and singing with Sting… more info

New XYZ Affair - 2 Summer Jams

5786 days ago
StereogumWhen it comes to bands named for 18th century diplomatic debacles, Brooklyn's the XYZ Affair easily make our top ten. JK they win. They're best remembered for corralling our favorite Nickelodeon all-stars for their "All My Friends" clip, but have ste... more info

EDUCATION: Richie Garcia Joins L.A. Music Academy Drum Department

5789 days ago
All About JazzDrummer, Percussionist and Clinician Richie Gajate Garcia Joins Los Angeles Music Academy's Drum Faculty "Percussion for Vocalists" Added to Curriculum Pasadena, CA -- LA Music Academy (, fully accredited by the Nation... more info

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