The Independent — Sting still packs out venues around the world for his catalogue of hits but the British pop star is about to find out whether he can do the same on Broadway. more info
Reuters — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sting will join the cast of his Broadway musical "The Last Ship" next month in a bid to push up flagging ticket sales for the $15 million show, the New York Times reported on its website on Sunday.
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Perez Hilton — This is sooooo good!!!
Saint Raymond is back with a new song and a bit of a new sound!
He's taking us to the disco in the Caribbean!
So catchy!
And if you also like Sting and The Police, we think you will dig this too!
Sooooo good!
Ch... more info
Reuters — NEW YORK (Reuters) - "The Last Ship," a musical by Grammy-winning rock star Sting based on his childhood in a shipbuilding town in northeastern England, landed on Broadway with a star-studded opening.
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L.A. Times - Entertainment — Sting officially opened his musical "The Last Ship" on Sunday at the Neil Simon Theatre in New York. The pop star not only wrote the show's songs, which can be found on his 2013 album of the same title, but used his life as a template to tell its qua... more info