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PERFORMANCE/TOUR: Manu Katche Balletic Drumming, Playful and Precise

5363 days ago
All About JazzManu KatchA(C) is a drummer of watchful effervescence, attuned to the tiniest particulars of rhythm and timbre but intent on a feeling of unthinking ease. His playing suggests precision without premeditation, which is one reason for his success along... more info

PERFORMANCE/TOUR: Robert and Clara and Sting and Trudie

5365 days ago
All About JazzCrossover projects in classical music have traditionally been matters of opera singers or big-ticket instrumentalists performing jazz, pop or folk music, usually not as well as the musicians who perform this material full time. But since the late ... more info

Sting's 'Symphonicities' tour rocks with a classical twist

5365 days ago
CNN ShowbizSting is front and center at the Hollywood Bowl, belting out the familiar melody of "Roxanne," The Police's 1978 ode to a prostitute. All of a sudden, a cello solo fills the air. Within a few elegant notes, the image of a common street hooker is upgr... more info

Sting - Stings Daughter Scrapped Original Debut Album

5366 days ago
ContactMusicSTING's rocker daughter COCO scrapped her entire debut album - after a "gut feeling" told her to start the record again.The 19-year-old daughter of the British star and... more info

Sting and the Royal Philharmonic Come to Cruzan

5367 days ago
New Times Broward-Palm Beach, FLSome claim that since jettisoning the Police, Sting's music has lost its, well, sting. After all, here's an artist on the front lines of the new-wave rebellion in the late '70s who gradually acquiesced to a mellower template comfortably nestled in ad... more info

Sting and his songs stood toe-to-toe with an orchestra at the UNO Lakefront Arena

5369 days ago
TopixAt a sold-out New Orleans Arena three years ago, Sting performed alongside guitarist Andy Summers and drummer Stewart Copeland, temporarily reunited as The Police. more info

Sting swings orchestral gig

5372 days ago
Scotsman.comPOP icon Sting is set perform with the one of the UK's most celebrated orchestras in the Capital this October. more info

Sting & the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra

5372 days ago
TopixSting: Now with added strings! Details 6:30 p.m. Friday, June 25, at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, 2005 Lake Robbins Dr., The Woodlands, 281-363-3300 or . Platinum albums, screaming fans and three decades' worth of crit... more info

Cameron Diaz - Stars Raise 13 Million For Oil Slick Clean Up

5375 days ago
ContactMusicA star-studded TV telethon featuring CAMERON DIAZ, ROBERT REDFORD, JUSTIN BIEBER and STING has raised more than $1.3 million (866, 667) to boost clean-up efforts along... more info

Star-spangled mission to raise funds for victims of Gulf oil spill

5375 days ago
Guardian MusicRobert Redford, Sting, Cameron Diaz and Justin Bieber are among the stars lined up for Larry King telethon in aid of BP oil spill victimsWith more than 6,000 boats and almost 35,000 people already deployed in the Gulf of Mexico, an army of celebrity ... more info

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