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Headbanging is something you probably shouldn't do, new study says

5919 days ago
Metal InjectionPut "headbanging" somewhere between "booze" and "narcotics" on that ginormous list of enjoyable stuff that could land you in the hospital. There isn't a Surgeon General's warning yet, but two Australian researches have published a study tha... more info

"Weird Al" Yankovic Is Ready To Enter The Digital Age [Rush Releases]

5994 days ago
IdolatorOver the summer, accordion-wielding parodist "Weird Al" Yankovic told Billboard that he was prepared to take advantage of the iTunes age by breaking free from the album mold, and using iTunes to release songs that were more of the moment than was pos... more info

Applegate 'Lost It' When She Met Her Surgeon

6001 days ago
People.comThe actress tells Oprah about her delayed reaction to her cancer diagnosis and treatment decision more info

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