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What's going on Tuesday?

4554 days ago
Brooklyn VeganPiL @ T5, May 2010 (more by Greg Cristman) today in NYC * Slavic Soul Party @ Barbes * Suzanne Vega @ City Winery * Andy Biskin's Ibid @ Barbes * Diamond Terrifier @ Zebulon * Lord Huron @ Mercury... more info

Song for the Soundtrack of Your Date (No Date) Tonight

4705 days ago
PopdoseFink and Suzanne Vega share the dramatic responsibility of tonight's super smooth date and no date songs. Sit back and relax. more info

New band of the day – No 1,111: Erin K and Tash

4937 days ago
Guardian MusicNice girls singing jaunty melodies? Don't you believe it – there's more to these two than meets the inattentive earHometown: Texas and Amsterdam.The lineup: Erin Kleh (vocals, guitar), Tash ter Braak (vocals, guitar), Paul Durbin (percussion), and ... more info

Clearwater benefit honoring George Wein

4943 days ago
Brooklyn VeganGeorge Wein & Pete Seeger Clearwater, founded by Pete Seeger, honors George Wein (founder of the Newport Folk and Jazz Festivals) with the first annual "Power of Song Award." Performers include Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, Suzanne Vega, Joan Osborne, G... more info

(Approved Theft) Skratch Bastid, The Entertainer mix

4997 days ago
Impose MagazineMuch like Skratch Bastid's 110% mix from '09, The Entertainer is just under an hour's worth of of seemlessly blended DJ wizardry. Bastid has little issue with mixing Naughty By Nature over Suzanne Vega's "Tom's Diner", pretty muc... more info

Beyoncé headlining at Glastonbury was a great girl power moment

5023 days ago
Guardian MusicEven with her bootylicious, showpony body very much on display, Beyoncé's show became a huge feminist singalong"A girl, a woman, has not headlined in 20 years, so this is history for me," Beyoncé Knowles exclaimed mid-way through her heartstoppingl... more info

Suzanne Vega pays tribute to Carson MCullers on stage

5082 days ago
TopixSuzanne Vega wrote music with Duncan Sheik for 'Carson McCullers Talks About Love.' She shot to fame in 1987 with "Luka," a beautiful song that tells the ugly story of an abused child. more info

Mountain Goats & Suzanne Vega played a few songs @ Greene Space (pics & WNYC stream)

5111 days ago
Brooklyn Veganphotos by David Andrako The Mountain Goats stopped by NYC's Greene Space on Wednesday (earlier in the day than his third in a row Bowery Ballroom show) for a live WNYC "Soundcheck" radio appearance along with Suzanne Vega. Each artist... more info

Shorties (Stream the New Cold Cave Album, An Introduction to Steampunk Literature, and more)

5111 days ago
LargeHeartedBoyStream Cold Cave's new album Cherish the Light Years (out April 12th) at Matablog. AbeBooks offers a beginner's guide to steampunk literature. The A.V. Club suggests entry points into the discography of the Ramones. Singer-songwriter Suzanne Vega dis... more info

KBCO Studio C: Volume 8

5195 days ago
Popdose(Don’t forget that the KBCO Studio C series benefits the Boulder County AIDS Project, so if you’re so inclined, please don’t hesitate to throw a few bucks their direction.) Lyle Lovett – She’s No Lady Brian Setzer Orchestra – Rumble In Br... more info

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