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Shoegaze auf Hebräisch: Vaadat Charigim

4270 days ago
78sEin vertrauter Extrakt von UK-Dream Pop Bands der Achtziger in nicht so vertrauter Sprache. Yuval Haring ist bei den Stonern von TV Buddhas Gitarrist, Frontmann und Mastermind. Nun macht er Shoegaze und eine weitere Band aus Tel Aviv berühmt: Vaadat... more info

TV Buddhas: Band In The Modern World

4371 days ago
Here Comes The Flood Garage rock against all odds. That's Berlin based Israeli trio TV Buddhas. A disastrous trip to the USA, where they ran into all rock cliches of shady promoters and cancelled shows and an extensive tour last year got shelved when they forced to ret... more info

Berlin-based Israeli new wave garage band TV Buddhas to release new 7-inch.

4932 days ago
AltsoundsCurrently based in Berlin, Israeli new wave garage band TV Buddhas will release a new 7-inch on October 22nd as the follow-up to its spring 2010 self-titled EP. The two-song single will be issued in Europe by the Staatsakt label and distributed by... more info

TV Buddhas make it to the end of 50-date US tour despite every inclination to bail.

5258 days ago
Altsounds“Band In The Modern World” is a documentary by TV Buddhas about a band (TV Buddhas) starting from the bottom in the contemporary underground music scene in the USA. Unlike the usual band-on-tour movies showing the band in a posit... more info

TV Buddhas continue North American tour; Continue posting gut-wrenching (mis)adventur

5284 days ago
AltsoundsTel Aviv's **TV Buddhas** are punk in a way that is mostly overlooked by contemporary culture. They bring their own baggage and anxieties to the table, chop everything into pieces, and serve it up in the most basic way possible, baring their voices a... more info

OCS 8/27 [mp3][v]

5312 days ago
MVSWVideo TV Buddhas ~ “Fun Girls“ “Fun Girls”(mp3 download) Dead Confederate ~ “Run From the Gun“ “Run From the Gun”(mp3 download) *Playing Troubadour on September 1... more info

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