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Robbie Williams Planning to Turn California Island into UFO Spotting Base

4573 days ago
411 ManiaTake That singer has a plan… more info

Robbie Williams: Liam Gallagher Is My Hero

4577 days ago
Stopcryingyourheartout.comRobbie Williams once disliked Liam Gallagher so much he offered to fight him on live TV.But now the Take That star is so in awe of his former rival that Liam has become his fashion inspiration.Speaking at the launch of his Farrell label at London’s... more info

Pop: If they can make it there...

4579 days ago
The Independent The Beatles did it. The Stones did, too. Bizarrely, Bush managed it, where Oasis and Take That never could, nor Westlife, Boyzone or 5ive. Coldplay cracked it, and so – oh, dear – did the Spice Girls. Now, without question, One Direction and The... more info

Aiden Grimshaw – review

4582 days ago
Guardian MusicCargo, LondonIn the wake of the Olympics it seems wrong to bring up The X Factor. I'm not the first to note that a couple of weeks ago we were all rooting for refugees and being convivial with one another. Now it's business as usual, being vile to th... more info

Robbie Williams - Why Is Robbie Williams Riding Horseback Through East London?

4590 days ago
ContactMusicLondoners who spotted Robbie Williams riding horseback through The East End while wearing large feathered wings this week theres no cause for alarm Youre not going mad and neither is the Take That man we hope According to the UKs... more info

Geri Halliwell - Geri Halliwell Finally Feels Comfortable In Skin

4591 days ago
ContactMusicGeri Halliwell is finally comfortable in her own skin The Spice Girls star - also known as Ginger Spice - has gone through a public battle with bulimia and in the past has thanked former Take That member Robbie Will... more info

Gary Barlow - Gary Barlow Scraps X Factor Work

4592 days ago
ContactMusicGrieving Gary Barlow has pulled out of his promotional commitments on the U K version of The X Factor following the loss of his daughter The Take That stars wife Dawn gave birth to a stillborn baby named Poppy on 4 August 12 but... more info

Robbie Williams - Robbie William's Fashion Label To Appear In Selfridges

4592 days ago
ContactMusicRobbie Williams fashion label Farrell has been snapped up by Selfridges The British high end retailer has become the first luxury department store to purchase the Take That singers clothing line - which is named after hi... more info

David Bowie among UK stars who snubbed Olympic closing ceremony

4594 days ago
Guardian MusicLondon 2012 finale used video montage of Bowie classics, and prerecorded slots for other absentees Kate Bush and Rolling StonesDavid Bowie turned down the offer to sign off Sunday night's closing ceremony with a performance of Heroes, one of several ... more info

Gary Barlow - Stars Are Coming Out Tonight: Gary Barlow Truly Shines At Olympics Closer

4594 days ago
ContactMusicGary Barlow showed true courage when he stepped out on to the stage to perform alongside his Take That band mates at the Olympics closing ceremony only days after his fourth child Poppy was delivered stillborn Many fellow celeb... more info

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